
Adding Fairway-compliance to the Lighthouse GraphQL server for Laravel

v0.2.0 2023-11-15 10:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 11:12:41 UTC


This extension brings Fairway-compatibility to Lighthouse, which makes it fully compatible with the Buoy-client.


composer require buoy/lighthouse-fairway

Then publish the configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lighthouse-fairway-config  

Then create the class that will handle authorization and filtering for your subscriptions:


namespace App\GraphQL\Subscriptions;

use Buoy\LighthouseFairway\Subscriptions\FairwayModelEventSubscription;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\Subscriber;

class FairwayModelSubscription extends FairwayModelEventSubscription
    public function authorize(Subscriber $subscriber, Request $request): bool
        // Authorize the user
        return true;

    public function filterSubscription(Subscriber $subscriber, $root): bool
        // Add filtering here. Filtering based on event type is handled for you.
        return true;

Lastly, enter the namespace for your subscription-class in the lighthouse-fairway.php config-file


This library adds some shortcuts to making models subscribable.


The directive is applied to the model type. In this example, we assume the model App\Models\Note exists.

type Note @subscribable {

Applying the @subscribable directive will automatically add following to your schema:

enum EventType {

type NoteEvent {
    "ID of the model"
    id: ID!
    "Type of the event"
    event: EventType!
    "The model that has been modified"
    model: Note!

type Subscription {
        "Limit the subscription to a specific model"
        id: ID,
        "Limit the subscription to specific events"
        events: [EventType!]
    ): NoteEvent

The @subscribable directive can also use a custom subscription class if needed:

type Note @subscribable(class: "\\\\App\\\\GraphQL\\\\Subscriptions\\\\MyCustomSubscription") {

Just make sure that it returns data that conforms to the generated schema. It is recommended to extend Buoy\LighthouseFairway\Subscriptions\FairwayModelEventSubscription in order to maintain the event-type filtering.

Dispatching events

Events are dispatched with the Broadcast-utility. Simply supply the model and event type, and the event will be broadcast to all authorized subscribers.

$note = App\Models\Note::first();
Buoy\LighthouseFairway\Util\Broadcast::modelEvent($note, 'update');