

v1.0 2022-11-09 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 19:31:22 UTC


Tango Rewards as a Service v2 API for PHP

TangoCard RAAS PHP SDK for RAAS api v2

Refer to Tango Raas API for actual response and requests.


Initialize the base Tango Object with your API credentials.

$tangocard = new TangoCard('PLATFORM_ID','PLATFORM_KEY');

$tangocard->setAppMode("sandbox"); //Default mode is production.

Valid Values : "production", "sandbox"

Raas API Calls:

All Raas api calls return a stdObject with two properties: status and data The data property contains the response from the RaaS API as an stdObject.

Response Structure:

Buildrr\TangoRaasApi\TangoCardResponse Object
    [status] => //contains status of the request : True if api response is 2x else false
    [data] => stdClass Object
        	//contains requested data
  1. Get a list of all Customers

  2. Create a new Customer

  3. Get details for a specific Customer

  4. Get a list of all Accounts created for a specific Customer

  5. Create an Account under a specific Customer

  6. Get a list of Accounts

  7. Get details for a specific Account

  8. Fund an Account

  9. Unregister a Credit Card

  10. List all credit cards

  11. Register a new Credit Card

  12. Get details for a specific Credit Card

  13. Get all items in the Platform's Catalog

  14. Get a list of Orders

  15. Create an Order under a specific Account

  16. Get details for a specific Order

  17. Resend a specific Order
