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Image Photo and Video converter shrinker

1.0.6 2018-11-03 23:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-05 05:46:29 UTC


Photo Image and Video converter shrinker written in PHP for Mac OSX , Linux and possibly Windows

Video conversion is dependant on videolan ffmpeg binary,

Image conversion requieres GD php library


  • PHP 7+
  • GD extension
  • ffmpeg for video conversion

This library can be used in other PHP projects or as standalone with mconv CLI tool , mconv stands for media converter

Main purpose of this tool is to save space but retain image and video quality


  • brew install ffmpeg OSX
  • composer require btesanovic/mconv


Lets say you want to save space by converting all video files to mp4 ( this is default video output format )

Example 1

  • Input folder ~/Movies
  • Input formats mpg avi mov
  • Output format mp4
  • -g Stands for glob , "*" matches all files , for example you could use "2018*" to match all files starting with file name 2018 that have any of extensions mentioned above mpg avi mov


mconv -i ~/Movies -i "mpg,avi,mov" -o mp4 -g "*"

Example 2

Delete all originally converted files

  • Input folder ~/Movies Command

mconv -i ~/Movies -d