
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.0) of this package.

Calculate SUNAT PerĂº dollar exchange

v1.0.0 2023-12-29 00:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 01:59:33 UTC


A simple PHP library for exchanging currencies based on Peruvian SUNAT exchange rates.


Install via Composer:

composer require brunoinds/sunat-dolar


The Exchange class provides methods for exchanging between PEN and USD:

use Brunoinds\SunatDolar\Exchange;
use Brunoinds\SunatDolar\Enums\Currency;

// Get current exchange rate
$result = Exchange::now()->convert(Currency::USD, 1)->to(Currency::PEN);

// Get historical exchange rate 
$date = new DateTime('2023-12-10');
$result = Exchange::on($date)
                ->convert(Currency::USD, 1)
echo $result // 0.27

// Get buy/sell prices
$dollarBuy = Exchange::on($date)->getDollarBuyPrice(); //3.749;
$solesSell = Exchange::on($date)->getSolesSellPrice(); //0.266

The Currency enum provides constants for the supported currencies:

use Brunoinds\SunatDolar\Enums\Currency;

Currency::USD; // 'USD'
Currency::PEN; // 'PEN' 


Unit tests are located in the tests directory. Run tests with:

composer test


Pull requests welcome!


MIT License

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Let me know if you would like any sections expanded or have any other feedback!