
LTI 1.1 Provider library for PHP.

dev-master 2019-08-20 15:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 01:41:14 UTC


This is a PHP library to connect your PHP application to an LTI consumer platform with outcome and deeplinking support.

Install library

@TODO add this library to so an easy composer install and autoload is possible.

How to use

Validate LTI request

use BrunoGoossens\LTI\LTIProvider;

$lti = new LTIProvider('key', 'secret');
$lti->validateRequest(); // throws an exception if the LTI launch is invalid.

The OAuth nonce parameter is not validated. To validate this you should add some kind of database.

After validating the LTI launch request, you can be sure the $_REQUEST values are secure to use.

Read a score

$lti->readScore($outcome_service_url, $result_sourcedid);

Write a score

$lti->postScore($outcome_service_url, $result_sourcedid, 0.7); // score is a value between 0 and 1.

Deeplinking (Content-Item Message)

Insert content items into the tool consumer.

$contentItems = array(
    '@type' => 'LtiLinkItem',
    'mediaType' => 'application/vnd.ims.lti.v1.ltilink',
    'title' => 'dummy title',
    'icon' => array(
      '@id' => '',
      'width' => 32,
      'height' => 32

$lti->returnContentItems($url, $contentItems);

This action will submit an auto generated form back to the tool consumer.