brunoconte3 / dev-utils
Dev-utils is complete, validates, formats, compares data, plus utilities
Installs: 16 656
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 32
Watchers: 2
Forks: 13
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^8.1|^8.2|^8.3
Requires (Dev)
- phpstan/phpstan: 1.10.67
- phpunit/phpunit: 10.5.20
- ext-gd: to use the GD implementation
- ext-intl: to use Format with Date
- ext-mbstring: to use Format::lower() etc...
- dev-master
- 2.6.2
- 2.6.1
- 2.6.0
- 2.5.6
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- 2.5.4
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This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-10-30 23:32:37 UTC
A complete library, with PSR standard and guarantee of all methods unit tested by phpunit and passed by phpstan.
- Class of Arrays
- Comparison Class
- Formatting Class
- Utility Class
- Validate Data in General
- Validate Upload Files
"brunoconte3/dev-utils": "2.6.2"
With composer, require
$ composer require brunoconte3/dev-utils
Data Validation Example
$data = [ 'name' => 'brunoconte3', 'email' => '', 'validatePassingJson' => '@&451', 'newPassword' => 'min:5', 'confirmPassword' => 'min:5|equals:newPassword', ];
$rules = [ 'name' => 'required|regex:/^[a-zA-Z\s]+$/', 'email' => 'required|email|max:50', 'validatePassingJson' => '{"required":"true","type":"alpha"}', ];
Validating the data according to the rules
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $validator = new DevUtils\Validator(); $validator->set($data, $rules); if(!$validator->getErros()){ echo 'Data successfully validated'; } else { var_dump($validator->getErros()); }
Validating File(s) Upload
With validators fileName, maxFile, maxUploadSize, mimeType, minFile, minUploadSize, minHeight, minWidth, maxHeight, maxWidth and requiredFile, you can set the minimum and maximum size (bytes) of the file; minimum and maximum amount of files; allowed extensions; minimum and maximum height and length of images, validate the name of the file and define if the field of type "File" is mandatory.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-BR"> <head> ... </head> <body> <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <!-- Upload a single file. --> <input type="file" name="fileUploadSingle" /> <!-- Uploading single or multiple files. --> <input type="file" name="fileUploadMultiple[]" multiple="multiple" /> <button type="submit">Upload</button> </form> </body> </html>
<?php /** * Comments * * maxFile, minFile, minHeight, minWidth, maxUploadSize, maxHeight, maxWidth and minUploadSize: They must be of the integer type. * mimeType: To pass an array with the allowed extensions, just use the ';' between values. */ if (filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD') === 'POST') { $fileUploadSingle = $_FILES['fileUploadSingle']; $fileUploadMultiple = $_FILES['fileUploadMultiple']; $datas = [ 'fileUploadSingle' => $fileUploadSingle, 'fileUploadMultiple' => $fileUploadMultiple, ]; $rules = [ 'fileUploadSingle' => 'requiredFile|fileName|mimeType:jpeg;png;jpg;txt;docx;xlsx;pdf|minUploadSize:10| maxUploadSize:100|minWidth:200|maxWidth:200', 'fileUploadMultiple' => 'fileName|mimeType:jpeg|minFile:1|maxFile:3|minUploadSize:10| minWidth:200|maxWidth:200|maxUploadSize:100, Mensagem personalizada aqui', ]; $validator = new DevUtils\Validator(); Format::convertTypes($datas, $rules); $validator->set($datas, $rules); if (!$validator->getErros()) { echo 'Data successfully validated'; } else { echo '<pre>'; print_r($validator->getErros()); } }
Validation types (validators)
- alpha:
Checks that the field contains only alphabetic characters
- alphaNoSpecial:
Checks if the field contains regular text characters, it cannot have accents
- alphaNum:
Checks if the field contains alphanumeric characters
- alphaNumNoSpecial:
Checks if the field contains letters without accents, numbers, cannot special character
- array:
Checks if the variable is an array
- arrayValues:
Checks whether the variable has one of the options in the specified array
- bool:
Values of logical type.
Ex: true or false, 1 or 0, yes or no
- companyIdentification:
Validates if the CNPJ is valid, passing CNPJ with or without mask
- dateAmerican:
Validates if the American date is valid
- dateBrazil:
Validates if the Brazilian date is valid
- dateNotFuture:
Validates if the date not greater than date current (accepts Brazilian or American format)
- ddd:
Validates ddd informed in YYY or YY format, by UF or in general
Ex: ddd:pr, ddd do Paraná/Brazil, or just ddd
- email:
Check if it's a valid email
- equals:
Checks if the field is the same as another field, example above in the documentation, look for equals
- fileName:
Checks that the filename is a valid name, and formats the name by removing special characters
- float:
Checks if the value is of type floating(real value)
- hour:
Validates if the time is valid
- identifier:
Validates if the CPF is valid, passing CPF with or without mask
- identifierOrCompany:
Validates if the CPF or CNPJ is valid, passing CPF or CNPJ with or without mask
- int:
Checks if the value is of type integer (If the format is String, it tries to parse it)
- integer:
Checks if the value is of type integer (here checks exact typing)
- ip:
Checks if the value is a valid IP address
- json:
Checks if the value is a valid json
- lower:
Checks if all characters are lowercase
- mac:
Checks if the value is a valid MAC address
- max:
Sets the maximum size of the value
- minHeight:
Sets the minimum height size (pixels) of the image
- minWidth:
Sets the minimum size in length (pixels) of the image
- maxHeight: Sets the maximum height (pixels) size of the image``
- maxWidth:
Sets the maximum size in length (pixels) of the image
- maxFile:
Sets the maximum number of files to upload
- maxUploadSize:
Sets the maximum file size (bytes)
- maxWords:
Defines the maximum number of words in a string
- min:
Sets the minimum size of the value
- minFile:
Sets the minimum amount of files to upload
- minWords:
Defines the minimum number of words in a string
- mimeType:
Defines the extension(s) allowed for upload
- minUploadSize:
Sets the minimum file size (bytes)
- numeric:
Checks if the value contains only numeric values (Left zero accepted)
- numMax:
Sets a maximum value, with the minimum being zero
- numMin:
Sets a minimum value, with the minimum being zero
- numMonth:
Checks if the value is a valid month (1 to 12)
- notSpace:
Checks if the string contains spaces
- noWeekend:
Checks if the date (Brazilian or American is not a Weekend)
- optional:
If inserted, it only validates if the value is different from empty, null or false
- phone:
Checks if the value matches a valid phone. (DDD + NUMBERS) 10 or 11 digits
- plate:
Checks if the value matches the shape of a license plate
- regex:
Defines a rule for the value through a regular expression
- required:
Set the field to mandatory
- requiredFile:
Sets the field of type 'File' as mandatory
- rgbColor:
Checks if the string has a valid RGB Color
- timestamp:
Checks if the value is a valid timestamp (accepts Brazilian or American format)
- upper:
Checks if all characters are uppercase
- url:
Checks if the value is a valid URL address
- zipcode:
Checks if the value matches the format of a zip code
Defining custom message
After defining some of our rules to the data you can also add a custom message using the ',' delimiter in some specific rule or using the default message.
<?php $validator->set($datas, [ 'name' => 'required, The name field cannot be empty', 'email' => 'email, The email field is incorrect|max:50', 'password' => 'min:8, nat least 8 characters|max:12, no máximo 12 caracteres.', ]);
Formatting Examples
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use DevUtils\Format; Format::companyIdentification('39678379000129'); //CNPJ ==> 39.678.379/0001-29 Format::convertTimestampBrazilToAmerican('15/04/2021 19:50:25'); //Convert Timestamp Brazil to American format Format::currency('113', 'R$ '); //Default currency BR ==> 123.00 - the 2nd parameter chooses the Currency label Format::currencyUsd('1123.45'); //Default currency USD ==> 1,123.45 - the 2nd parameter chooses the Currency label Format::dateAmerican('12-05-2020'); //return date ==> 2020-05-12 Format::dateBrazil('2020-05-12'); //return date ==> 12/05/2020 Format::identifier('73381209000'); //CPF ==> 733.812.090-00 Format::identifierOrCompany('30720870089'); //CPF/CNPJ Brazil ==> 307.208.700-89 Format::falseToNull(false); //Return ==> null Format::lower('CArrO'); //lowercase text ==> carro - the 2nd parameter chooses the charset, UTF-8 default //[Apply any type of Mask, accepts space, points and others] Format::mask('#### #### #### ####', '1234567890123456'); //Mask ==> 1234 5678 9012 3456 Format::maskStringHidden('065.775.009.96', 3, 4, '*'); //Mask of string ==> 065.***.009.96 Format::onlyNumbers('548Abc87@'); //Returns only numbers ==> 54887; Format::onlyLettersNumbers('548Abc87@'); //Returns only letters and numbers ==> 548Abc87; Format::pointOnlyValue('1.350,45'); //Currency for recording on the BD ==> 1350.45 Format::removeAccent('Açafrão'); //Remove accents and character 'ç' ==> Acafrao //Removes all special characters ==> "Acafrao com Espaco", 2nd parameter chooses whether to allow space, default true Format::removeSpecialCharacters('Açafrão com Espaco %$#@!', true); Format::returnPhoneOrAreaCode('44999998888', false); //Returns only the phone number ==> 999998888 Format::returnPhoneOrAreaCode('44999998888', true); //Returns only the phone's area code ==> 44 Format::reverse('Abacaxi'); //Returns inverted string ==> ixacabA Format::telephone('44999998888'); //Return phone format brazil ==> (44) 99999-8888 Format::ucwordsCharset('aÇafrÃo maCaRRão'); //Return first capital letter ==> Açafrão Macarrão Format::upper('Moto'); //lowercase text ==> MOTO - the 2nd parameter chooses the charset, UTF-8 default Format::zipCode('87030585'); //CEP format brazil ==> 87030-585 Format::writeDateExtensive('06/11/2020'); //Date by Long Brazilian format ==> sexta-feira, 06 de novembro de 2020 Format::writeCurrencyExtensive(1.97); //Coin by Extensive Brazilian format ==> um real e noventa e sete centavos Format::convertStringToBinary('amor'); //String to binary ==> 1100001 1101101 1101111 1110010 Format::slugfy('Polenta frita e Parmesão'); //Returns a slug from a string ==> polenta-frita-e-parmesao $data = [ 'treatingIntType' => '12', 'handlingFloatType' => '9.63', 'treatingBooleanType' => 'true', 'handlingNumericType' => '11', ]; $rules = [ 'treatingIntType' => 'convert|int', 'handlingFloatType' => 'convert|float', 'treatingBooleanType' => 'convert|bool', 'handlingNumericType' => 'convert|numeric', ]; Format::convertTypes($data, $rules); //Convert the value to its correct type ['bool', 'float', 'int', 'numeric',] /*** Return [ 'treatingIntType' => int 12 'handlingFloatType' => float 9.63 'treatingBooleanType' => boolean true 'handlingNumericType' => float 11 ] ***/ $array = [ 0 => '1', 1 => '123', 'a' => '222', 'b' => 333, 'c' => '', ]; $newArray = Format::emptyToNull($array); //Convert empty to null, - the 2nd parameter is optional, passing the desired exception /*** Return [ 0 => 1, 1 => 123, 'a' => 222, 'b' => 333, 'c' => null, ]; **/ //$value = Format::arrayToInt($array); ==> Option for other than by Reference Format::arrayToIntReference($array); //Formats array values in integer ==> [ 0 => 1, 1 => 123, 'a' => 222, 'b' => 333, 'c' => 0, ];
Formatting Upload File(s)
Example: Uploading a single file
<?php $fileUploadSingle = [ 'name' => 'JPG - Upload Validation v.1.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpODnLGo', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 8488, ]; Format::restructFileArray($fileUploadSingle); // Call of the method responsible for normalizing the array [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'jpg___upload_validation_v_1.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpBmqX1i', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 8488, 'name_upload' => '22-01-2021_13_1830117018768373446425980271611322393600ad419619ec_jpg___upload_validation_v_1.jpg', ] ]
Example: Uploading multiple files
<?php $fileUploadMultiple = [ 'name' => [ '0' => 'JPG - Upload Validation v.1.jpg', '1' => 'PDF - Upload Validation v.1.pdf', '2' => 'PNG - Upload Validation v.1.png', ], 'type' => [ '0' => 'image/jpeg', '1' => 'application/pdf', '2' => 'image/png', ], 'tmp_name' => [ '0' => '/tmp/phpODnLGo', '1' => '/tmp/phpfmb0tL', '2' => '/tmp/phpnoejk8', ], 'error' => [ '0' => 0, '1' => 0, '2' => 0, ], 'size' => [ '0' => 8488, '1' => 818465, '2' => 1581312, ], ]; Format::restructFileArray($fileUploadMultiple); // Call of the method responsible for normalizing the array [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'jpg___upload_validation_v_1.jpg', 'type' => 'image/jpeg', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpBmqX1i', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 8488, 'name_upload' => '22-01-2021_13_1830117018768373446425980271611322393600ad419619ec_jpg___upload_validation_v_1.jpg', ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'pdf___upload_validation_v_1.pdf', 'type' => 'application/pdf', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpYo0w7c', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 818465, 'name_upload' => '22-01-2021_13_170624609160164419213582611971611322393600ad41961a5a_pdf___upload_validation_v_1.pdf', ], 2 => [ 'name' => 'png___upload_validation_v_1.png', 'type' => 'image/png', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpme7Yf7', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 1581312, 'name_upload' => '22-01-2021_13_8675237129330338531328755051611322393600ad41961ac8_png___upload_validation_v_1.png', ], ]
Comparisons Examples
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use DevUtils\Compare; //Returns +30 (+30 days difference) Compare::daysDifferenceBetweenData('31/05/2020', '30/06/2020'); //Accepts American date too //Compares if start date is less than end date => Returns [bool] Compare::startDateLessThanEnd('30/07/2020', '30/06/2020'); //Accepts American date too //Difference between hours ==> 01:36:28 [Hours displays negative and positive difference] Compare::differenceBetweenHours('10:41:55', '12:18:23'); //Compares if the start time is less than the end time (3rd parameter, accept custom message) Compare::startHourLessThanEnd('12:05:01', '10:20:01'); //Compares the date to the current date, and returns the person's age Compare::calculateAgeInYears('20/05/1989'); //Compares fields for equality, returns boolean //optional third parameter, false to not compare caseSensitive, default true Compare::checkDataEquality('AçaFrão', 'Açafrão'); //Compares if desired content exists in String, returns boolean Compare::contains('AçaFrão', 'çaF'); //Compares the corresponding URL with the second parameter, starts with the string entered in the first parameter. Returns boolean. Compare::beginUrlWith('/teste', '/teste/variavel'); //Compares the corresponding URL with the second parameter, ends with the string entered in the first parameter. Returns boolean. Compare::finishUrlWith('/teste', 'sistema/teste'); //Compares if the corresponding string with the first parameter is equal to the substring obtained from the second parameter. Extracting to compare 7 characters from the second parameter starting at position 0. Returns boolean. Compare::compareStringFrom('sistema', 'sistema/teste', 0, 7);
Validations in the form of Methods
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use DevUtils\ValidateCnpj; ValidateCnpj::validateCnpj('57.169.078/0001-51'); //Returns boolean, example true [Can pass with mask] use DevUtils\validateCpf; ValidateCpf::validateCpf('257.877.760-89'); //Returns boolean, example true [Can pass with mask] use DevUtils\ValidateDate; //Examples return true ValidateDate::validateDateBrazil('29/04/2021'); //Return boolean [Format dd/mm/yyyy] ValidateDate::validateDateAmerican('2021-04-29'); //Return boolean [Format yyyy-mm-dd] ValidateDate::validateTimeStamp('2021-04-29 11:17:12'); //Return boolean [Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] use DevUtils\ValidateHour; ValidateHour::validateHour('08:50'); //Return boolean [Format YY:YY] use DevUtils\ValidatePhone; ValidatePhone::validate('44999999999'); //Return boolean [[You can wear a mask] use DevUtils\ValidateString; ValidateString::minWords('Bruno Conte', 2) //Return boolean ValidateString::maxWords('Bruno Conte', 2) //Return boolean
Manipulate Arrays
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use DevUtils\Array; $array = ['primeiro' => 15, 'segundo' => 25]; var_dump(Arrays::searchKey($array, 'primeiro')); // Search for key in array, and Return position ==> returns 0 var_dump(Arrays::searchKey($array, 'segundo')); // Search for key in array, and Return position ==> returns 1 var_dump(Arrays::searchKey($array, 'nao-existe')); // Search for key in array, and Return position ==> returns null $array = ['primeiro' => 10, 'segundo' => 20]; Arrays::renameKey($array, 'primeiro', 'novoNome'); var_dump($array); //Rename array key ==> ['novoNome' => 10, 'segundo' => 20]; $array = [ 'frutas' => ['fruta_1' => 'Maçã', 'fruta_2' => 'Pêra', 'fruta_3' => 'fruta', 'fruta_4' => 'Uva'], 'verduras' => ['verdura_1' => 'Rúcula', 'verdura_2' => 'Acelga', 'verdura_3' => 'Alface'], 'legume' => 'Tomate' ]; // Checks in the array, if there is any index with the desired value var_dump(Arrays::checkExistIndexByValue($array, 'Tomate')); // Performs the search in the array, through the key and Return an array with all indexes located var_dump(Arrays::findValueByKey($array, 'verduras')); // Performs the search in the array, through a value and returns an array with all items located var_dump(Arrays::findIndexByValue($array, 'Tomate')); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<root/>'); Arrays::convertArrayToXml($array, $xml); // Convert array to Xml var_dump($xml->asXML()); $array = [ 'frutas' => ['fruta_1' => 'Maçã', 'fruta_2' => 'Pêra', 'fruta_3' => 'fruta', 'fruta_4' => 'Uva'], 'verduras' => '{"verdura_1": "Rúcula", "verdura_2": "Acelga", "verdura_3": "Alface"}' ]; // Checks the array, if it has any index with JSON and turns it into an array Arrays::convertJsonIndexToArray($array); var_dump($array); $array = [ 'pessoa' => [ 'pedidos' => ['pedido1', 'pedido2'], 'categorias' => [ 'subcategorias' => [ 'subcategoria1' => 'valor teste' ] ] ] ]; // Checks if a specific index exists in a multilevel array var_dump(Arrays::checkExistIndexArrayRecursive($array, 'subcategoria1')); // Return true
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use DevUtils\Utility; Utility::captureClientIp(); // Return user IP, capture per layer available, eg /* Return an automatically generated password, there are 5 parameters, only the first one is mandatory int $size ==> Number of characters in the password (Required) bool $uppercase ==> If there will be capital letters bool $lowercase ==> If there will be lowercase letters bool $numbers ==> if there will be numbers bool $symbols ==> if there will be symbols */ Utility::generatePassword(10); /* * @return string -> Full URL string * @param string $host -> system domain * @param string $absolutePath -> absolute path * @param string $https -> 'on' to generate https url, null or other value, generate http url */ Utility::buildUrl('localhost', '/sua-url/complemento', 'on'); // Return to URL
Check the minimum coverage of CI/CD unit tests using PHPUnit
file: .gitlab-ci.yml Add Lines: script: - composer install - ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-xml coverage #Here generates the coverage file - php ./vendor/brunoconte3/dev-utils/src/CI.php coverage/index.xml 80 #Change the value 80 to your value file: .gitignore Add Line: /coverage/
Will perform pull request, please execute unit tests, and phpstan level 9
./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-xml coverage
If you don't know how to run phpstan, I execute and adjust whatever is necessary
The validator is an open-source application licensed under the MIT License.