
Custom code generator

1.1.1 2023-12-24 07:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 10:39:16 UTC


This lib helps to generate code for Laravel projects.


composer require --dev brnbio/laravel-crud

If you want your own templates, make sure you publish the stubs to your application.

php artisan stub:publish


If you want to add your own replacements, you can easy update the replacements. All basic replacements, command arguments and options are available.

// AppServiceProvider.php

GenerateRequestCommand::macro('updateReplace', function (array $replace, array $arguments, array $options) {
    return array_merge($replace, [
        // your replacements

Basic replacements

  • {{ namespace }} - Namespace for generated class
  • {{ rootNamespace }} - Base namespace
  • {{ class }} - Class name
  • {{ namespacedModel }} - Namespaced model class
  • {{ model }} - Name of the model
  • {{ modelVariable }} - Variable name for the model
  • {{ modelVariablePlural }} - Variable name for the model in plural
// e.g. for a Team model

$replace = [
    'namespace' => 'App\Models',
    'rootNamespace' => 'App',
    'class' => 'Team',
    'namespacedModel' => 'App\Models\Team',
    'model' => 'Team',
    'modelVariable' => 'team',
    'modelVariablePlural' => 'teams',


Generate everything for model Team: Model, Controller, Views, Requests and Migration.

php artisan generate --table=teams --attributes=name:string Team

If you want to do it manually, you can use the basic commands to generate.

Generate model

In addition to the basic replacements, the following replacements are available for the request:

  • {{ table }} - Table name (if set by option)
  • {{ attributes }} - List of the attribute constants
  • {{ fillable }} - List of the fillable attributes
  • {{ properties }} - List of the properties based on the attributes for the doc block
php artisan generate:model --table teams --attributes=name:string Team
// generated fields

 * Class Team
 * @package App\Models
 * @property string $name
class Team extends Model
    public const TABLE = 'teams';
    public const ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'name';

     * @var string[]
    protected $fillable = [

Generate migration

In addition to the basic replacements, the following replacements are available for the request:

  • {{ fields }} - List of table fields based on the attributes
php artisan generate:migration --create teams --attributes=name:string CreateTeamsTable
// generated fields

Schema::create('teams', function (Blueprint $table) {
    // ...
    // ...

Generate controller

In addition to the basic replacements, the following replacements are available for the request:

  • {{ storeRequest }} - Store request class
  • {{ namespacedStoreRequest }} - Store request class with namespace
  • {{ updateRequest }} - Update request class
  • {{ namespacedUpdateRequest }} - Update request class with namespace
php artisan generate:controller --model=Team --type=create Teams/CreateController
// generated controller

class CreateController extends Controller
     * @return Response
    public function __invoke(): Response
        return inertia('teams/create');

     * @param StoreRequest $request
     * @return RedirectResponse
    public function store(StoreRequest $request): RedirectResponse
        $team = Team::create($request->validated());

        return to_route('teams.details', compact('team'));

Generate view

php artisan generate:view --model Team --type create teams/create
// generated view

<script setup>

import { useForm } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3';
import { provide } from 'vue';

const form = useForm({

function submit() {


    <form @submit.prevent="submit">
        // ...
        <button :disabled="form.processing">


Generate request

In addition to the basic replacements, the following replacements are available for the request:

  • {{ rules }} - List of rules based on the attributes
php artisan generate:request --model Team --attributes=name:string Teams/StoreRequest
// generated rules

public function rules(): array
    return [
        Team::ATTRIBUTE_NAME => [