
Provides an object oriented way to programmatically build queries for the Amazon Cloud Search service

0.5.0 2015-01-15 08:44 UTC


Build Status


This library provides an object oriented way to programmatically build queries for the Amazon Cloud Search service. It's inspired by Doctrine's query builder. A query's __toString method will return a decoded string, as provided by the http_build_query function


Add to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "brighttalk/acs-query-builder": "dev-master"

Working with the Query Builder

$query = $qb->searchByFieldValue("fieldName", "'fieldValue'")

echo $query;

would output bq=fieldName:'fieldValue'&start=0&size=20&rank=-fieldName (the "-" in the rank expression means it is in descending order - see the Amazon docs )

The ExpressionBuilder

The supported expressions are: andX, orX, notX, eq


$query = $qb->setSearchExpression($qb->expr()->andx(
        $qb->expr()->eq("aFieldName", "'aFieldValue'"),
        $qb->expr()->notx($qb->expr()->eq("anotherFieldName", "'anotherFieldValue'"))

echo $query;

would output bq=(and afieldName:'afieldValue' (not anotherFieldName:'anotherFieldValue'))&start=0&size=20