
Laravel package to easily identify possible algorithm(s) of a hash

1.0.0 2018-08-13 11:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:15:20 UTC


This package is largely based off the excellent Python project hashID which is included in Kali Linux by default.

In addition to supporting over 220 hashing algorithms, this package can also include corresponding hashcat mode and JohnTheRipper format.

This package extends Laravel's default HashManager class, so you can easily use it to both generate and identify hashes using the Hash facade.


PHP 7 and Laravel 5.5 or higher.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require "brentkozjak/laravel-hash-identify":"~1.0.0"

The package and the facade will be autodiscovered by Laravel.


This package extends Laravel's HashManager class, allowing you to use the default Hash facade like so:

// Create a hash using Laravel's default Hash::make() method.
$hash = \Hash::make('example');

// Identify the possible hashing algorithm(s) used to create $hash
$hash_modes = \Hash::identify($hash);

// $hash_modes is an instance of a standard Laravel Collection

A note on performance

This package unavoidably uses a lot of preg_match regular expressions to match a hashing algorithm. While I have found performance to be quite acceptable, I am of course open to further optimisations.




This project is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE