
A class that extends PHP-SPL ArrayIterator and implements loads of functionalities from PHP plain array handling

2.1.0 2020-05-03 16:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:19:22 UTC


This library started from a discussion on whether it's intuitive or not to get the first element of an array using "reset()". Well I think it's not!

In order to handle arrays and its elements in a clean code manner (readable and maintainable) I developed this library. Please enjoy (use at your own risk XD).

Table of Contents:

Methods from ArrayIterator

You can find all the methods and their documentation at

But here is a list of non-modified methods:
Method Parameters Return Description
append mixed $value null [*] Append an element to the object
count int The amount of elements
current mixed Get the element under the cursor
getFlags int Get behaviour flags of the ArrayIterator
key mixed Current position element index
offsetGet mixed $index mixed Get element in given index
seek int $position null Moves the cursor to given position
serialize string Applies PHP serialization to the object
setFlags string $flags null Set behaviour flags of the ArrayIterator
unserialize string $serialized null Populates self using PHP unserialize
valid bool Validate element in the current position

* "append" is indirectly modified as it uses "offsetSet" internally

Methods in ExtendedArrayBase

This is the abstract class that modifies the behaviour of ArrayIterator to improve its use as a clean Object Oriented Class.

  • It accepts any of the following types as a parameter to be instantiated:
    • (null, array, \SplFixedArray, \ArrayObject, \ArrayIterator);
  • It sets the default flag to ARRAY_AS_PROPS;
  • It converts all sub-arrays into sub-instances of its class;
  • It uses an internal positioning system to help navigate through (next, prev, ...);
  • It has a magic __toString method that returns JSON;
Here's the complete list of methods:
Method Parameters Return Description
asort this Extending method to support sub-objects
element mixed [added] Element is an alias for "current"
end this [added] Move the cursor to the end
first this [added] First is an alias for "rewind"
getArrayCopy array Extending method to convert sub-objects to array
isArrayObject mixed $array bool [added][static] Identifies usable classes
jsonEncode [int $options[, int $depth]] string [added] JSON Encode
ksort this Extending method to update position map
last this [added] Last is an alias to "end"
natcasesort this Extending method to update position map
natsort this Extending method to update position map
next this Extending method to return $this
offsetExists mixed $index bool Extending method to behave like "array_key_exists"
offsetSet mixed $index, mixed $newval null Extending method to update position map
offsetUnset mixed $index null Extending method to update position map
prev this [added] Move the cursor to previous element
rewind this Extending method to return $this
uasort callable $cmp_function this Extending method to update position map
uksort callable $cmp_function this Extending method to update position map

Methods in ExtendedArray

arsort(): ExtendedArray

Reverse sort by element.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
 * {
 *   "3": "Tokyo",
 *   "1": "Paris",
 *   "0": "Dublin",
 *   "2": "Cairo"
 * }

contains(mixed $needle[, bool $strict]): bool

Contains is similar to "in_array" with object support.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
var_dump($cities->contains('Cairo')); // true
var_dump($cities->contains('Kyoto')); // false
var_dump($cities->contains($cities->{1})); // true

diff($array2, ...$arrays): ExtendedArray

Diff is similar to "array_diff" with object support.

Code Example
$array1 = new ExtendedArray(["a" => "green", "red", "blue", 7 => ["red", "yellow"]]);
$array2 = new ExtendedArray(["b" => "green", "yellow", "red"]);
 * {
 *   "1": "blue",
 *   "7": {"0":"red","1":"yellow"}
 * }

explode(string $delimiter, string $string[, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX]): ExtendedArray

[static] Instantiate from exploding a string by delimiter

Code Example
print(ExtendedArray::explode(',', 'Dublin,Paris,Cairo,Tokyo'));
 * {
 *   "0": "Dublin",
 *   "1": "Paris",
 *   "2": "Cairo",
 *   "3": "Tokyo"
 * }

fill(int $start, int $num, $value): ExtendedArray

[static] Instantiate an array filled with value by num of times

Code Example
print(ExtendedArray::fill(0, 3, "test"));
 * {
 *   "0": "test",
 *   "1": "test",
 *   "2": "test"
 * }

filter([callable $callback[, int $flag]]): ExtendedArray

A poly-fill for "array_filter".

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
    function ($item) {
      return strlen($item) == 5;
 * {
 *   "1": "Paris",
 *   "2": "Cairo",
 *   "3": "Tokyo"
 * }

filterWithObjects([callable $callback[, int $flag]]): ExtendedArray

Extending filter to support objects.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
$countries = new ExtendedArray(['Ireland', 'France', 'Egypt', 'Japan']);
$places = new ExtendedArray(['cities' => $cities, 'countries' => $countries]);
    function ($item) {
      return $item->count();
 * {
 *   "cities": {
 *     "0": "Dublin",
 *     "1": "Paris",
 *     "2": "Cairo",
 *     "3": "Tokyo"
 *   },
 *   "countries": {
 *     "0": "Ireland",
 *     "1": "France",
 *     "2": "Egypt",
 *     "3": "Japan"
 *   }
 * }

fromJSON(string $json[, int $depth]): ExtendedArray

[static] Instantiate from a JSON string.

Code Example
$jsonCities = '{"Dublin","Paris","Cairo","Tokyo"}';
 * {
 *   "0": "Dublin",
 *   "1": "Paris",
 *   "2": "Cairo",
 *   "3": "Tokyo"
 * }

isArray(mixed $element): bool

[static] Validates any type of array.

Code Example
$plainArray = ['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo'];
$cities = new ExtendedArray($plainArray);
var_dump(ExtendedArray::isArray($plainArray)); // true
var_dump(ExtendedArray::isArray($cities));     // true
var_dump(ExtendedArray::isArray('not array')); // false

implode(string $glue = ''): string

Concatenate array values in a string separated by $glue

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
print($cities->implode(',')); // Dublin,Paris,Cairo,Tokyo

keys(): ExtendedArray

Get this array keys (properties' names).

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(
    'Ireland' => 'Dublin',
    'France' => 'Paris',
    'Egypt' => 'Cairo',
    'Japan' => 'Tokyo'
 * {
 *   "0": "Ireland",
 *   "1": "France",
 *   "2": "Egypt",
 *   "3": "Japan"
 * }

krsort(): ExtendedArray

Reverse sort by keys.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(
    'Ireland' => 'Dublin',
    'France' => 'Paris',
    'Egypt' => 'Cairo',
    'Japan' => 'Tokyo'
 * {
 *   "Japan": "Tokyo",
 *   "Ireland": "Dublin",
 *   "France": "Paris",
 *   "Egypt": "Cairo"
 * }

map(callable $callback[, array ...$params]): ExtendedArray

A poly-fill for "array_map".

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
    function ($item) {
      return strrev($item);
 * {
 *   "0": "nilbuD",
 *   "1": "siraP",
 *   "2": "oriaC",
 *   "3": "oykoT"
 * }

mapWithObjects(callable $callback[, array ...$params]): ExtendedArray

Extending map to support objects.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
$countries = new ExtendedArray(['Ireland', 'France', 'Egypt', 'Japan']);
$places = new ExtendedArray(['cities' => $cities, 'countries' => $countries]);
    function ($item) {
      return $item->filter(
        function ($element) {
          return strlen($element) == 5;
 * {
 *   "cities": "{\"1\":\"Paris\",\"2\":\"Cairo\",\"3\":\"Tokyo\"}",
 *   "countries": "{\"2\":\"Egypt\",\"3\":\"Japan\"}"
 * }

offsetGetFirst(): mixed

Gets first element without moving the array cursor.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
 * Dublin

offsetGetLast(): mixed

Gets last element without moving the array cursor.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
 * Tokyo

offsetGetPosition(int $position): mixed

Gets element in the given position without moving the array cursor.

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
 * Paris

shuffle(): ExtendedArray

Shuffle elements randomly

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(['Dublin', 'Paris', 'Cairo', 'Tokyo']);
 * {
 *   "1": "Paris",
 *   "0": "Dublin",
 *   "3": "Tokyo",
 *   "2": "Cairo"
 * }

values(): ExtendedArray

Get values in a numbered key array

Code Example
$cities = new ExtendedArray(
    'Egypt' => 'Cairo',
    'Japan' => 'Tokyo',
    'France' => 'Paris',
    'Ireland' => 'Dublin'
 * {
 *   "0": "Cairo",
 *   "1": "Tokyo",
 *   "2": "Paris",
 *   "3": "Dublin"
 * }