
Php scanner and generator of .po files or .php files with prepared translations.

1.0.2 2016-03-30 01:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 21:21:02 UTC


Created by Branislav Zvolensky Based on orginal source code of Eslam Mahmoud github:


The class to scan files/project and create or update .po file or .php file, used for localization. Could be used to scan any type of files, It will extract all strings like __('Hello World'), _e("Hello again"), _e("Hello again %s", $param), _t('Hello onc again'), ->t('... and again').

Original code was refactored, namespaced, extended of php array generator and there were fixed or covered some use cases such us:

  • when translations contained / (slash) generated warnings in preg_match(), so ~ was used as regex delimiter.
  • when translations contained special characters such as .!() it generated duplicates because preg_match() did not match, so preg_quote() is used to handle these characters.
  • Generator scanned in hidden directories such as .git or .svn, so hidden files and directories were excluded from scan.
  • Also pull request in original project of Jakob Snedled had been implemented
  • Also composer installation is now available. See bellow.

How to use it?


$gettext = new \PhpScanner\Gettext();

$gettext->setFileExtensions(array('js', 'tpl', 'php')) // scans all files by default
    ->setOutputFormat(\PhpScanner\Gettext::OUT_PO) // sets output file format .po | .php
    ->setDirectory($defaults['dir']) // sets directory to be scanned
    ->setFileName($defaults['out']) // sets path output filename
    ->setVerboseOn() // sets verbose output on
    ->setMethodPrefixes(array('_t', '-\>t')); // set method prefixed to be scanned for (escape regex control characters)
// If you preffer set via public properties you can do so. See bellow.

$lines = $gettext->generate();

Check example/cli-generator.php too.

Configuration of \PhpScanner\Gettext() object via public properties

  • $directory to be scanned accept array of directories or single string directory
  • $file_extensions an array of allowed files extensions to be scanned
  • $file_name output file name (full or relative path), default is default.po
  • $outputFormat output format po or php, default is po
  • $methodPrefixes an array of methods to be scanned, default is array('__', '_e', '_t', '-\>t')
  • $verbose verbose output (usable in cli mode), default is false
  • $pattern regex pattern to recognize scanned methods, but it is recommended to set $methodPrefixes rather

Installation Using Composer

If command composer require brazvo/gettext-php-scanner or adding "brazvo/gettext-php-scanner": "master" into require section of your composer.json won't work then you must add "repositories" into your composer.json:

"repositories": [ 
    { "type": "composer", "url": "" }