bprs / asset-bundle
Simple assets for your application. Upload Pictures, videos and more and link it with your entities
Installs: 234
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 1
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.
Simple assets for your application. Upload Pictures, videos and more and link it with your entities
in your composer.json file, add to "require"
composer require bprs/asset-bundle
"require": { "bprs/asset-bundle": "^2.0"
Activate the bundle in the AppKernel
$bundles = array( ... new Bprs\AssetBundle\BprsAssetBundle() ... );
And your Filesystem manager of choice
$bundles = array( ... new Knp\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\KnpGaufretteBundle() ... );
$bundles = array( ... new Oneup\FlysystemBundle\OneupFlysystemBundle() ... );
The BPRSAssetBundle is on top of the OneupUploaderBundle. This allows for maximum flexibility.
# Example config bprs_asset: class: "AppBundle\Entity\Asset" adapters: gallery: url: "http://localhost/MyProject/web/uploads" path: "/opt/local/apache2/htdocs/MyProject/web/uploads" knp_gaufrette: adapters: gallery: local: directory: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads create: true filesystems: gallery: adapter: gallery oneup_uploader: mappings: gallery: frontend: blueimp storage: type: gaufrette filesystem: gaufrette.gallery_filesystem sync_buffer_size: 100M
Assets can be standalone, or be in OneToOne, OneToMany or in a ManyToMany Relationship. To be that flexible, the Asset Entity is now a MappedSuperclass. Your Asset can now include any needed properties and your database remains clean.
The BaseAsset already defines several useful informations:
- createdAt (automatically set)
- updatedAt (automatically set and updated)
- filekey (the unique filename)
- adapter (the name of the filesystem adapter it is saved under)
- mimetype (for example image/jpeg, quicktime/video)
- filesize (in bytes)
- md5 (hash)
- name (original filename)
<?php // Example asset childclass namespace Your\Name\Space; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use Bprs\AssetBundle\Entity\Asset as BaseAsset; /** * Extends the MappedSupperclass from the BprsAssetBundle * * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table() */ class Asset extends BaseAsset { // Whatever your Asset needs //... //... } ?>
The BPRSAssetBundle includes a custom Formtype, a Datatransformer and even the needed JavaScript. Lets say, you have an entity that is linked to many assets:
// form builder public function buidlForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder->add('assets', 'assets'); }
Or just one asset
// form builder public function buidlForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder->add('asset', 'asset'); }
Next, the View:
{{ form_start(form) }} {% include "BprsAssetBundle::upload.html.twig" with {'form': form, 'adapter': 'gallery', 'hidePrevious': true} %} {{ form_end(form) }} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <link href="{{ asset('bundles/bprsasset/css/jquery.fileupload.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" /> {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {# if you don't use the BprsStylBundle, you'll need to include jquery yourself! #} {% include "BprsAssetBundle::upload.js.twig" %} {% endblock %}
The Bundle comes with an handy thumbnail filter for twig. All tou need to do is
# asset|thumb(height,width) <img src="{{ asset|thumb(720,1280) }}" />
To create and display thumbnails on the fly.
Filesize and Relative Paths
<a href="{{ asset|link }}">{{ asset.name|filesize(false) }}</a>
Download and List
Activate the routing with
#routing.yml bprs_asset: resource: . type: bprs_asset prefix: /{_locale} requirements: _locale: de|en defaults: { _locale: de }
You can secure downloading with security settings.
path "bprs_asset_list (page: page)" Lists all known Assets.
path "bprs_asset_download (filekey: filekey)" allows downloads. (you'll probably need xsendfile for large files)