
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the brandcom/cakephp-vite package instead.

Rollup plugin for CakePHP for better CSS/JS

Installs: 981

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.0-beta 2020-12-31 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-12-23 11:56:27 UTC


This plugin it's not really about the code, it just gives you a structure how to handle CSS/JS, and some helper method.

SEO is not a problem ? You want a full client-side rendered frontend ? Then maybe you should check inertiajs. SEO or SSR is not a problem ? You want to use CakePHP as a backend and build the entire frontend in JS ? Then you should check vuejs. You want just an 'assetcompressor' ? Then you should check markstory/asset_compress


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require bor-attila/cakephp-rollup

Enable the plugin in your Application.php:


As package manager. I will use yarn, but you can use npm if you want.

Create a package.json in the webroot directory with yarn if you don't have one.

cd webroot
yarn init

Create the default folder structure and create the basic files.

bin/cake rollup:init

After you successfully executed this command, your WEBROOT directory should look like this.

+-- css
+-- scss
|   +-- style.scss
+-- plugins
+-- js
|   +-- src
|       +-- components
|       +-- mixins
|       +-- static
|           +-- script.js
|       +--
+-- babel.config.json
+-- rollup.config.js
+-- packages.json

The css folder contains the compiled stylesheets. You can add this line to gitignore


The scss folder contains the stylesheet source code. The plugins folder contains static production ready third party libraries (eg. bootstrap, axios, select2). The js folder contains the compiled javascript files. You can add this line to gitignore


The js/src folder contains javascript app(!) source files - vue, react etc... Eg:, The js/src/components folder contains javascript app components source files. The js/src/mixins folder contains javascript reusable components. The js/src/static folder contains javascript source code that can be included directly into page ('old way').

Working with stylesheets

Install dependencies:

You will need DartSDK installed!

yarn add dart-sass

Add these scripts into your package.json

"scripts": {
    "rollup:scss:build": "`../bin/cake rollup:sass`",
    "rollup:scss:watch": "`../bin/cake rollup:sass -w`"
    "rollup:scss:clean": "rm -f css/*.min.css"

SCSS commands


When you run yarn rollup:scss:build all sass files from scss folder which starts with a letter (^[a-zA-Z]) will be compiled into css and minimized.

For example:

  • scss/style.scss -> css/style.min.css
  • scss/mystyle.scss -> css/mystyle.min.css
  • scss/_variables.scss remains untouched (ofc if you included in your style.scss then will be compiled)


When you run yarn rollup:scss:watch all sass files from scss folder which starts with a letter (^[a-zA-Z]) will be compiled into css and the sass compiler will listen to file changes.


CSS helper

In View\AppView.php add this to the initialize method for expl:



$this->loadHelper('CakephpRollup.Css', [
    'storage' => [
        'body' => ['bodyclass'],

The CSS helper is just an array manipulation. In the container you can store class names.

add(string $container, string $class, ?string $overwrite = null): bool
remove(string $container, string $class): bool
has(string $container, string $class): bool
get(string $container): string
    <body <?= $this->Css->get(); ?>>

        //In the tempalte
        $this->Css->add('body', 'green');

        //Or conditionally
        if (true) {
            $this->Css->add('body', 'red', 'green');// the green will be replaced with red
            $this->Css->remove('body', 'red');// or remove


StyleSheet helper

In View\AppView.php add this to the initialize method:

$this->loadHelper('CakephpRollup.Stylesheet', [
    'cache' => 'default'

The StyleSheet helper helps to load CSS file content and inject it directly into the body. These methods search for specified CSS files, opens, creates a style tag and stores it into cache (if it's set).

global(array $stylesheets = []): string

Returns the global stylesheet's content. Automatically searches for the css/style[.hash]?[.min]?.css You can add more CSS files as parameter.

local(): string

Returns the local stylesheet's content. Automatically searches for:

  • css/{prefix}-{controller}-{action}[.hash]?[.min]?.css
  • css/{controller}-{action}[.hash]?[.min]?.css if there is no prefix.
inline(string $name): string

Returns the given stylesheet's content. Automatically searches for the css/{name}[.hash]?[.min]?.css

Working with Javascript

Install dependencies:

yarn add rollup rollup-plugin-terser @rollup/plugin-node-resolve @rollup/plugin-commonjs @rollup/plugin-json
yarn add core-js@3 @babel/core @babel/preset-env @rollup/plugin-babel

Add these scripts into your package.json

"scripts": {
    "rollup:js:build": "rollup -c",
    "rollup:js:watch": "rollup -c --w",
    "rollup:js:clean": "rm -f js/*.min.js"


Javascript helper

In View\AppView.php add this to the initialize method:

$this->loadHelper('CakephpRollup.Javascript', [
    'cache' => 'default'

How to use:

        <?= $this->Html->script($this->Javascript->files('main', 'debug', 'awesome')); ?>
            This returns
            <script src="js/main.laknsdn78t7f34t79.min.js" />
            <script src="js/debug.sanibiobrevoybowueb.min.js" />
            <script src="js/awesome.wqojndiqwd766686.min.js" />
            or even
            <script src="js/main.min.js" />
            <script src="js/awesome.min.js" />