
Elastic Driver for Laravel Scout

5.0.12 2020-06-09 17:19 UTC


Software License Status build

This package makes is the Elasticsearch driver for Laravel Scout.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require boomhq/laravel-scout-elastic

You must add the Scout service provider and the package service provider in your app.php config:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Setting up Elasticsearch configuration

You must have a Elasticsearch server up and running with the index you want to use created

If you need help with this please refer to the Elasticsearch documentation

After you've published the Laravel Scout package configuration:

// config/scout.php
// Set your driver to elasticsearch
    'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'elasticsearch'),

    'elasticsearch' => [
        'index' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX', 'laravel'),
        'hosts' => [
            env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'http://localhost'),
//set If one index per model (use searchableAs Methode) (defaut false)
        'perModelIndex' => true,


Custom Index

If you want to push a specific index you can declare elasticsearchIndex() On your Model Before first Import (otherwise you need to delete index and reimport for create them) :

    public function elasticsearchIndex()
        return  [
                  "settings" => [
                        "analysis" => [
                           "analyzer" => [
                              "default" => [
                                 "tokenizer" => "my_tokenizer", 
                                 "filter" => [
                              "default_search" => [
                                       "tokenizer" => "my_tokenizer" 
                           "tokenizer" => [
                                          "my_tokenizer" => [
                                             "type" => "edge_ngram", 
                                             "min_gram" => 3, 
                                             "max_gram" => 20, 
                                             "token_chars" => [
                                             "filter" => [
                        "max_ngram_diff" => "20" 

Custom Query

On Model you can specify custom query by :

 public function customScoutQuerySearching($terms): array
        return [
            'query' => [
                'multi_match' => [
                    'query' => (string) ($terms),
                    'fields' => [
                    'fuzziness' => 'AUTO',
                    'type' => 'most_fields'

Now you can use Laravel Scout as described in the official documentation



The MIT License (MIT).