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v0.13 2020-11-02 14:07 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-04 03:17:47 UTC


This is the Billing SDK for Laravel Application using the IX Billing Engine.

To use this SDK, you need the Client ID & Client Secret from the IX Billing.


Install the package using Compser

composer require boneybone/billing-sdk


Publish the configuration file using the vendor:publish artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=billing-service

Set the .env file using the following variables


If you are intended to use guzzlehttp/guzzle as your HTTP Client, set the config/billing-service.php client to guzzle.

// config/billing-service.php

'client' => 'guzzle'


Then install the Guzzle.

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

How to Use


Every endpoint on the billing service is an Entity on this SDK, so if you want to use the /invoices endpoint, you need to use the BoneyBone\BillingService\Entities\InvoiceEntity Entity. But each entity has its own aliases, see below.

EntityAliasClassHow To Use
InvoicesinvoiceBoneyBone\BillingService\Entities\InvoiceEntityBillingService::use('invoice') or BillingService::use(InvoiceEntity::class)

For now only 1 entity is available, will update accordingly.

The Entity is consists of 5 methods, list(), get(), create(), update() & delete() as per Entity Interface at BoneyBoney\BillingService\Contracts\Entity.

Each of the Entity methods accepts an array payload on the last parameters, so you can pass any payload to the Billing Server.

    'id' => 'this is invoice id'

    'args' => [
        'customer_id' => 'this is customer id'



BillingService::use('invoice')->update($id, [
    // array payload

The Billing Facade

The BillingService facade is like the gate between your code and the SDK, using this facade you can register Entity, RequestClient, Get the Access Token, Endpoint, etc.

This SDK is PSR-7 compatible, so you are free to use any of the http client you want to use.

The default client is guzzle but you are free to change & extend the Client, here's how.

Extending RequestClient

The RequestClient is the bridge between the SDK and the Internet, the client job is to send the HTTP request to the Billing Server, and it only requires 1 method.

And it needs to implements the BoneyBone\BillingService\Contracts\RequestClient.


use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use BoneyBone\BillingService\Contracts\RequestClient

class YourClient implements RequestClient {

     * Send HTTP Request.
     * @param  RequestInterface   $request
     * @param  array              $options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request, array $options = []) : ResponseInterface {
        // here's how you implement tht HTTP request to the server.
        // the $options format is follow the Guzzle Request Options, so each of guzzle options valid here
        // and you need to parse that options
        // @see


As you can see the sendRequest() method accepts the PSR's RequestInterface as a parameter and expect the PSR's ResponseInterface as return value.

And then you can register your RequestClient using the facade.

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

BillingService::requestClient('your-request-client-name', YourClient::class);

And finally you can set your client as default client at config/billing-service.php

'client' => 'your-request-client-name'

Done! The SDK now will use your client as the HTTP Client.

Create new Entity

Since not all of the Billing Endpoint is covered by the SDK, you might need to implement & register it yourself. Here's how.

As already mentioned above, the Entity is consists of 5 methods, list(), get(), create(), update(), delete(), since the Entity is implementing the BoneyBone\BillingService\Contracts\Entity.

This is how it looks


namespace YourNamespace\Entities;

use BoneyBone\BillingService\WithRequests;
use BoneyBone\BillingService\Contracts\Entity;

final class CreditNoteEntity implements Entity {

    use WithRequests {
        WithRequests::get as getRequest;

     * Get the entity listings.
     * @param  array $options
     * @return array
    public function list(array $options = []) {
        $res = $this->get('/credit_not_endpoints');

        return $res->getBody()->getContents();

     * Get the individual entity.
     * @param  string|integer $id
     * @param  array          $options
     * @return array
    public function get($id, array $options = []) {

     * Create new entity.
     * @param  array $data
     * @param  array $options
     * @return array
    public function create(array $data, array $options = []) {

     * Update entity.
     * @param  string|int  $id
     * @param  array       $options
     * @return array
    public function update($id, array $options = []) {

     * Delete entity.
     * @param  string|int  $id
     * @param  array       $options
     * @return array
    public function delete($id, array $options = []) {

The Entity's job is to providing the data from the API Server to the client, and should return an array object containing data from server.

To comply with PSR-7 this SDK is come with the BoneyBone\BillingService\WithRequests Trait, to provide you basic of HTTP request methods, the WithRequests Trait contains all of HTTP method you need to do HTTP Request to server.

Such as get(), post(), patch(), etc. But since the Entity is reserve the get() method, the trait is overrided. You need to alias the get() method using the following code while importing the trait.

use WithRequests {
    WithRequests::get as getRequest;

And finally you need to register the Entity to the SDK.

BillingService::entity('credit-note', CreditNoteEntity::class);

And Done!