
A package to intercept and process incoming emails within your Laravel application.


This project was created by, and is maintained by Brian Faust, and is a package to intercept and process incoming emails within your Laravel application.. Be sure to browse through the changelog, code of conduct, contribution guidelines, license, and security policy.

Warning This package is still in development and should not be used in production.


Note This package requires PHP 8.2 or later, and it supports Laravel 10 or later.

To get the latest version, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require bombenprodukt/laravel-mailbox

You can publish the configuration file by using:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-mailbox-config"


Please review the contents of our test suite for detailed usage examples.


Note The + indicates that the driver is tested with a fixture.

Warning The ! indicates that the driver is not yet tested with a fixture.

! [Amazon SES](
+ [Brevo](
! [MailCare](
! [MailerSend](
+ [Mailgun](
+ [Mailjet](
+ [Mandrill](
+ [Postmark](
+ [SendGrid](
+ [SparkPost](

BeyondCode Mailbox

This package is heavily inspired by Laravel Mailbox by BeyondCode, but it aims to be more flexible, extensible, and less opinionated. The main difference is that this package does not provide any filtering or routing out of the box; instead, it provides a simple interface to build your own. This package also does not offer any UI or database migrations.

The intended usage of this package is to listen for the BombenProdukt\Mailbox\Event\MailReceived event and then process the incoming email using your logic. This approach allows you to create your filtering system and to use your database models, preventing you from being forced into using a specific architecture or database structure.

Additionally, you can configure multiple connections for each driver and use them simultaneously. This capability allows you to use multiple email providers at the same time. For example, you could use Mailgun for your transactional emails and SparkPost for your marketing emails.