
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.5) of this package.

v1.0.5 2022-04-13 13:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 17:52:34 UTC


UniversalConnector is a native PHP library allowing the instantiation of a multitude of common APIs on the market. The library is updated regularly with the contribution of new instances and new methods within the API.


Versions Date Features
v1.0.0 06/04/2021 Magento2 API
v2.0.0 27/08/2021 SendinBlue API


  • php >=5.3.0


# composer
composer require boeki/universal-connector


Instantiating the desired API class

# Magento
$api = APIProvider::Magento2Instance();

# SendinBlue
$api = APIProvider::SendinBlueInstance();

Initialization of the connection pipe

# Magento
$api->initialize("username", "password", "");

# SendinBlue

Optional: you can provide a default website ID for the next request for Magento2

# Magento

Request examples

# SendinBlue
use UniversalConnector\API\APIProvider;
use UniversalConnector\API\SendinBlue\Builder\SendinBlueTools;

$api = APIProvider::SendinBleuInstance();

$fileBody = SendinBlueTools::CONTACTS_FILE_BODY(

$response = $api->POST_contacts(
	["listName" => "Universal-connector_list_test", "folderId" => 9],

Magento2 methods

HTTP Method Arguments Description
POST POST_tierPrices array tierPrices Add or update product prices. If any items will have invalid price, price type, website id, sku, customer group or quantity, they will be marked as failed and excluded from update list and \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\PriceUpdateResultInterface[] with problem description will be returned. If there were no failed items during update empty array will be returned. If error occurred during the update exception will be thrown.

SendinBlue methods

HTTP Method Arguments Description
GET GET_all_contacts int limit = 50,
int offset = 0,
string sort = "desc",
\DateTime modifiedSince = null
Get all contacts with pagination filters
POST POST_contact string email,
array attributes,
array listIds,
bool updateEnabled,
bool emailBlacklisted,
bool smsBlacklisted
Post one contact
POST POST_contacts string fileBody,
array listIds = null,
array newList = null,
bool updateExistingContacts = true,
bool emptyContactsAttributes = false,
string notifyUrl = null,
bool emailBlacklist = false,
bool smsBlacklist = false
Import multiple contacts from an FileBody CSV style
PUT UPDATE_contact string identifier,
array attributes = null,
bool emailBlacklisted = null,
bool smsBlacklisted = null
Update attribute and RGPD of one contact. Identifier can be the email or the contact's system ID
DELETE DELETE_contact string identifier Delete one contact from the SendinBlue database. Identifier can be the email or the contact's system ID
GET GET_account N\A Get current API Key account informations