
Magento 2 gulp configuration

Installs: 23 625

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 41

Watchers: 6

Forks: 12

Open Issues: 7



v1.5.2 2022-12-02 20:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 17:47:47 UTC


This build supports gulp 4.x.x. For gulp 3.x.x use ~1.4.0 version.

Be sure that Node, NPM and Gulp are installed

node -v && npm -v && gulp -v

Project integration

Add repository's path to the composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "github",
        "url": ""


composer require --dev bobmotor/magento-2-gulp

Rename the following files in your project root directory

  • package.json.example to package.json

Install modules listed as dependencies in package.json

npm install




Make sure that you configure dev/tools/grunt/configs/local-themes.js file (adobe docs)

Copy the contents of local.js.example into local.js in the dev/tools/gulp/configs/ directory and setup Gulp configuration.

module.exports = {
    hostname: 'hostname',
    generic: 'loc',
    useHttps: false,
    useInDocker: false


  • If you need to configure BrowserSync use the dev/tools/gulp/configs/bsConfig.js
module.exports = {
    proxy: `${ptotocol}://${localConfig.hostname}.${localConfig.generic}/`,
    host: `${localConfig.hostname}.${localConfig.generic}`,
    tunnel: `${localConfig.hostname}`,
    open: false
  • To configure your desired screen size for the critical path use the dev/tools/gulp/configs/criticalConfig.js
module.exports = {
    out: 'critical.css',
    url: `${ptotocol}://${localConfig.hostname}.${localConfig.generic}/`,
    width: 1920,
    height: 200,
    forceExclude: [/\[data-role=main-css-loader]/]

How to use

In project root dir run gulp [command] --[theme] --[arguments]

Avaliable commands:

babel                           Compile ES6+ to ES5
clean                           Remove cached files (pub/static/*, var/*)
critical                        Compile critical css
default, help                   Display this help message
exec                            Republishes symlinks to the source files
less                            Compile LESS to CSS
watch-scripts                   Watch for src/*.js files
watch-styles                    Watch for *.less files


--[package]                     Package name (optional field). Need to be the first option. Ex.: --blank
--min                           Minify css files
--map                           Add maping to CSS files
--live                          Enable livereload
--bs                            Enable browsersync


Removes the theme related static files in the pub/static and var directories, republishes symlinks to the source files to the pub/static/frontend/ directory and compiles CSS files using the symlinks published in the pub/static/frontend/ directory with source map and minification.

gulp clean --luma && gulp exec --luma && gulp less --luma --map --min

Compiles CSS files using the symlinks published in the pub/static/frontend/ directory with source map.

gulp less --luma --map

Watch styles with livereload (LiveReload browser extension should be installed)

gulp watch-styles --luma --live

Creates critical.css from styles-l.css and styles-m.css and put it to app/design/frontend/<VandorName>/<ThemeName>/web/css. In production mode should be run after php bin/magento s:s:d (task uses pub/static/deployed_version.txt to create absolute path to the static files)

gulp critical --luma


  • ES6 files should be placed at .../web/js/src/*.js. Compiled files will be in the .../web/js/*.js