
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

SCSS Watcher for multiple and/or nested directories

1.0.6 2015-10-08 16:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-07-30 13:10:06 UTC


The SCSS Watcher is a PHP class that recursively monitors a directory for changed .scss files and generates .css versions. It requires a sass binary to be installed.

The CSS files are generated in css directories at the same level as the corresponding scss directory, e.g.:


SCSS files with a leading _ in the filename are treated as SCSS configuration files (e.g. for mixins). A change to a system file triggers a re-build of all CSS files.


Add the repository reference to your composer.json:

"require-dev": {
    "bnowack/scss-watcher": "1.0.0"


Ideally, the SCSS Watcher is run from the command line. A script is provided:

php scripts/watch.php --path=/path/to/entry/directory

or (from your repository root):

php vendor/bnowack/scss-watcher/scripts/watch.php --path=src --bin=/usr/bin/sass

The "bin" parameter is optional. It can be used when auto-detection cannot find the sass binary. On Windows machines the command usually looks like this:

php vendor/bnowack/scss-watcher/scripts/watch.php --path=src --bin=C:\Ruby\bin\sass


The MIT License (MIT)