
Allows sending private messages between users

1.0.3 2019-05-07 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 01:18:00 UTC


A Craft 3 CMS plugin. Grant your site users the power of communication, via private messaging!


User Guide

1. Send a private message

Add the following form to your template:

<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="privateMessagingSendForm">
    {{ getCsrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="private-messaging/messages/send">
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{"#{siteUrl}message-sent" | hash}}">
    <input type="hidden" name="recipientId" value="{{ recipientId }}">

    <label for="privateMessagingSubject">Subject</label>
    <input type="text" id="privateMessagingSubject" name="subject" value="">

    <label for="privateMessagingMessage">Message</label>
    <textarea id="privateMessagingMessage" name="body" form="privateMessagingSendForm" required></textarea>

    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

You will need to set the following form values:

  • redirect - This should be set to the template to redirect to, upon successfully sending the private message
  • subject - This should be the subject of the message
  • body - This should be the content of the message
  • recipientId - This should be the ID of the user due to receive the message

2. View messages

To view the logged in users messages, you will need to add the following to your template:

{% for message in craft.privateMessaging.messages %}

{% endfor %}

Within this loop you can access the following private message attributes:

  • - The message ID. [type: integer]
  • message.subject - The subject of the message. [type: string(255)]
  • message.body - The body of the message. [type: text]
  • message.sender - The sender user. [type: user object]
  • message.recipient - The recipient user. [type: user object]
  • message.siteId - The id of the site. [type: integer]
  • message.thread - The message thread. [type: thread object]
  • message.isRead - Whether the message has been read. [type: boolean]
  • message.dateCreated - The created dateTime of the message. [type: dateTime]

3. View unread message count

To view the unread message count for the currently logged in user, you will need to add the following to your template:

{{ craft.privateMessaging.unreadMessageCount }}

4. View total message count

To view the total message count for the currently logged in user, you will need to add the following to your template:

{{ craft.privateMessaging.totalMessageCount }}

5. View a message

To access an individual message, you will need to pass the id of a message to your template.

This can be achieved by setting up a new route that passes the message id (number) to your template, like so:


Inside the template, we will use this ID (number) to retrieve the message, but, first we check to ensure we have actually been passed an ID:

{% if number is not defined %}
    {% exit 404 %}
{% else %}

If we have an ID, then we pass this to the getPrivateMessage method (which is a twig extension built into the plugin):

{% set message = number|getPrivateMessage %}

If this method does not return an associated message, it will return null. We may wish to handle that also:

{% if not message %}
    {% exit 404 %}
{% endif %}

The getPrivateMessage method with return a null value when:

  1. Out of range - A message with that ID doesn't exist in the database
  2. Deleted - A message with that ID has been deleted from the database
  3. Permissions - A message with that ID does not belong to the user trying to access it

6. View threads

To view the logged in users threads, you will need to add the following to your template:

{% for thread in craft.privateMessaging.threads %}

{% endfor %}

Within this loop you can access the following message thread attributes:

  • - The message ID. [type: integer]
  • thread.subject - The subject of the message. [type: string(255)]
  • thread.excerpt - The body of the message. [type: text]
  • thread.siteId - The id of the site. [type: integer]
  • thread.dateCreated - The created dateTime of the message. [type: dateTime]
  • thread.messages - Array of messages in this thread. [type: array]

Inside the template, we will use this ID (number) to retrieve the message, but, first we check to ensure we have actually been passed an ID:

{% if number is not defined %}
    {% exit 404 %}
{% else %}

If we have an ID, then we pass this to the getPrivateMessageThread method (which is a twig extension built into the plugin):

{% set thread = number|getPrivateMessageThread %}

The getPrivateMessageThread method with return a null value when:

  1. Out of range - A thread with that ID doesn't exist in the database
  2. Deleted - A thread with that ID has been deleted from the database
  3. Permissions - A thread with that ID does not belong to the user trying to access it

Threads are only visible to the parties involved in the conversation

7. Reply to a message

Add the following form to your template:

{% set message = number|getPrivateMessage %}

<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="privateMessagingForm" class="message_form">
	<div id="message">
		{{ getCsrfInput() }}
		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="private-messaging/messages/send">
		<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{"#{siteUrl}message-sent" | hash}}">
		<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="{{ message.subject }}">
		<input type="hidden" name="threadId" value="{{ }}">
		<input type="hidden" name="recipientId" value="{{ }}">

			<label for="message_body" class="required">Message</label>
			<textarea id="message_body" name="body" form="privateMessagingForm" cols="40" rows="10" placeholder="Type your message here..." required></textarea>
		<input class="btn submit" type="submit" value="{{ 'Submit'|t }}">

You will need to set the following form values:

  • redirect - This should be set to the template to redirect to, upon successfully sending the private message
  • threadId - This should be the ID of the conversation thread (use thread id of the message you're replying to
  • recipientId - This should be the ID of the user you're sending the message to
  • subject - This should be the subject of the message
  • body - This should be the content of the message

8. Delete a message

Add the following form to your template:

<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="privateMessagingForm">
    {{ getCsrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="private-messaging/messages/delete">
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{{"#{siteUrl}messages" | hash}}">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ }}">
    <input type="submit" value="Delete" class="delete" />

You will need to set the following form values:

  • redirect - This should be set to the template to redirect to, upon successfully deleting the private message
  • id - This should be the ID of the message

NB: A user can only delete messages that belong to them.

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