
Library for notifications and validations

1.0.0 2022-05-28 18:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:27:16 UTC


PHP implementation of Domain Notification Pattern based in Flunt (.NET) developed by @andrebaltieri


Flunt is a fluent way to use Notification Pattern with your entities, concentrating every change you made and easy accessing it when you need.

check our Wiki for more details and samples of how to use Flunt in your applications.


Package Version
PHP >=8.1


This package is available through Packagist


composer require bloise/flunt

How to use

final class CPF extends Notifiable

$cpf = new CPF('012.345.678-90');
$cpf->addNotification("CPF", "Invalid document");


Specified contract

final class CPF extends Notifiable
    private readonly string $document;

    public function __construct(string $document)
            (new CPFContract)
                ->hasMinLen($this->document, 'CPF', 'Invalid length')
                ->validFormat($this->document, 'CPF', 'Invalid format')
                ->validDocument($this->document, 'CPF', 'Invalid document')

final class CPFContract extends Contract
    public function hasMinLen(string $cpf, string $property, string $message): self {
        if (strlen($cpf) != 11) {
            $this->notifications[$property][] = $message;

    public function validFormat(string $cpf, string $property, string $message): self {...}

    public function validDocument(string $cpf, string $property, string $message): self {...}

Fluent Methods

$cpf->filterByMessage('Invalid length');

Designed for modern architectures approaches

If you are building an application with clean architecture approaches you can consider use this project, cause it's totally free of external dependencies, feel free to implement a Port/Adapter linking the dependencie with your code base, this one is for those who are more conceptual =)