
Coffeescript module for ZF2.

v0.1.3 2013-08-30 15:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 17:58:26 UTC



This module provides inline support for CoffeeScript in ZF2 views using alxlit's PHP CoffeeScript Compiler.


Installing this modul is quite simple using Composer. First, add this to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "blake/coffeescript": "0.*"

Set this requirement up with the usual composer.phar install command. And finally, you need to add this to your ZF2 application.config.php:

// ...
'modules' => array(
	// ...
	// ...
// ...


With this installed, you can call appendCoffeeScript() off of the HeadScript or InlineScript view helpers.

	console.log 'Hello, syntax.'

Additionally, there is a dedicated CoffeeScript invokable view helper that will simply compile CoffeeScript.

echo $this->coffeeScript(<<<COFFEESCRIPT
	console.log 'Another lame example.'

Compiler Options

Both of the helpers illustrated above take a second, optional, argument that is a array of options to pass on to the CoffeeScript compiler. You can see a list of these options on the official PHP CoffeeScript documentation.

By default, the options passed to the compiler are:

$options = array(
	'bare' => true,
	'header' => false,

These can be overriden by passing your own options.