
Php code that code php code.

1.0.0 2017-05-11 17:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-15 00:35:17 UTC


PhpMetaBot is a very minimal framework that makes easy to write "php code from php code". It can be a lot useful to make CLI commands that generate scaffold codes from different needs. Let your creativity fly. Feel free to fork and do whatever you want. I done it just for fun.


Via Composer

$ composer require blacktools/metabot


/* or require 'vendor/autoload.php' */
require '../src/Code.php';
require '../src/PhpClass.php';
require '../src/PhpFile.php';
require '../src/PhpFunction.php';
require '../src/PhpMethod.php';

use Blacktools\Metabot\Base\PhpFile;
use Blacktools\Metabot\Base\PhpClass;
use Blacktools\Metabot\Base\PhpMethod;
use Blacktools\Metabot\Base\PhpFunction;

/* Create a PhpFile */
$file = new PhpFile('test.php');

/* Create a PhpClass */
$class = new PhpClass("ClassTest");
/* Set extends to a class: name */
/* Set implements to a class: name */
/* Set attribute to a class: scope / name */
/* Set attribute to a class: scope / name */
$class->setAttribute('private static','staticAtribute');

/* Create a PhpMethod: scope / name */
$methodTest = new PhpMethod("public","methodTest");
/* Set a parameter to a method: typehint / name  */
$methodTest->setParameter(null, "foo");
/* Set a parameter to a method: typehint / name / default */
$methodTest->setParameter(null, "bar","'zoo'");
/* Set inner content to a method, using \t for tabs and \n for break lines  */
$methodTest->setInner("\t\treturn null;\n");

/* Create a static PhpMethod: scope / name */
$staticMethod = new PhpMethod("public static","staticMethod");
/* Set a parameter to a method: typehint / name / default */
$staticMethod->setParameter('int', "xoo","'hoo'");
/* Set inner content to a method, using \t for tabs and \n for break lines  */
$staticMethod->setInner("\t\treturn ".'$xoo'.";\n");

/* Add PhpMethod to a PhpClass */
/* Add another PhpMethod to a PhpClass */

/* Create PhpFunction: name */
$function = new PhpFunction('hey');

/* Set a namespace to a PhpFile */
/* Set a use keyword to a PhpFile */
/* Write a PhpClass in the PhpFile */
/* Write a PhpFunction in the PhpFile */

/* Get the code as string */
echo $file->getBody();

// Returns

// <?php 
// namespace Test\Namespace;
// use AnotherTest\UseThis;
// * Class ClassTest
// */
// class ClassTest extends ExtendTest implements ImplementTest
// {
//		private $attributeTest;
//		private static $staticAtribute;
//		public function methodTest($foo, $bar = 'default')
//		{
//			return null;
//		}
//		public static function staticMethod(int $xoo = 'hoo')
//		{
//			return $xoo;
//		}
// }
// * Function hey
// */
// function hey()
// {
// }


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.