
The Zarinpal gateway implementation for Laravel.

v1.0.1 2020-05-01 11:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:31:01 UTC



Use [Composer] to install the package:

$ composer require blackplatinum/zarinpal

How To Use:

In your config folder open app.php and add following lines:

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Zarinpal' => BlackPlatinum\Zarinpal\Zarinpal::class,

Then add your Merchant ID in .env like this:


In the end restart your server. (Also you can ignore adding merchant id to .env and use it in your source code with setMerchantId())

How To Run:

use BlackPlatinum\Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

 * This is for sending your request to the bank for your payment
$paymentRequest = new Zarinpal(
        'price' => 100, // Toman
        'description' => 'درگاه پرداخت زرین پال',
        'callbackUri' => 'your_uri', // Without '/'
        'orderId' => 1 // Your order id
    ], true // Enables sandbox mode
$result = $paymentRequest->sendPaymentInfoToGateway();
if ($result->Status == 100) {
    // The information that you have sent was out of mistakes and you are gonna
    // redirect to zarinpal gateway 
    return redirect()->to($paymentRequest->linkToGateway($result->Authority));

// There is something wrong about your request and you are not qualify to redirect
// to zarinpal gateway 
return redirect('your_failure_url_in_payment');


 * This is for receiving your response from the bank about your payment request in previous code
$paymentResponse = new Zarinpal(
        'price' => 100, // Toman
        'authority' => $request->Authority
    ], true // Enables sandbox mode
$result = $paymentResponse->receivePaymentInfoFromGateway($request->Status);
if ($result) {
    // Yor payment done successfully
    $authority = $request->input('Authority');
    $status = $request->input('Status');
    $refId = $result->RefID;
    // Do the rest...
else {
    // Yor payment failed or you canceled payment



All contents of this component are licensed under the [MIT license].