
Enrich your Pimcore elements with rich snippet data and output it as JSON-LD

dev-main 2022-11-15 07:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-15 12:12:25 UTC



Rich snippet mapping

This Pimcore plugin adds a microdata tab in the edit view for documents, assets and data objects. After selecting one of the types specified by you can enter the data for all the fields which the standard defines for the selected type.

Beside direct input (click on Value cell) you can use drag and drop to assign objects and assets. Additionally you can enter a callback function by clicking in the Preview cell. This callback function supports the following variables as input:

  • $value: The value which got entered in the cell Value
  • $element: contains the current element. With this you can directly refer to a certain data object field


return $element->getName();

You can also inherit microdata items to elements below the current one. If this is undesired, mark the item as not inheritable (remove checkmark in inheritable column).

Output rich snippet data

To include microdata JSON-LD in output, write the following code on the wanted position:

{{ render(controller(
     { 'element': document }
 )) }}

document is the \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page object in this case. For parameter element you can also provide an asset or a data object.

Alternatively you can call the output with element type and id:

{{ render(controller(
     { 'elementId': productId, 'elementType': 'object' }
 )) }}

How to get the plugin

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