
1.0 2014-05-07 11:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:07:41 UTC


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After filling the navigation with your menu / breadcrumb - information (e.g. categories or whatever), you´re able to create a fully rendered HTML list.


Pull in the package with composer:

    "require": {
                "bkoetsier/navigation": "1.0.*"

Laravel user

If you´re using the Laravel framework, all you have to do is reference the service provider and you are ready to go !

// app/config/app.php

'providers' => [

Without Laravel

If you aren´t using Laravel, you have to wire up the package yourself:

use Bkoetsier\Navigation\Navigation;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

$nav = new Navigation(new Bucket(new Collection));

In case of using Laravel Navigation is shared via the IoC Container, so if you hydrate a bucket once, the bucket will be available all over your app, but the main difference is in instantiation

Basic usage

First step is always hydrating the bucket. To do so, you have to provide an array of objects (preferably StdClass) with the following properties:

  • itemId unique identifier like the database index
  • itemContent the content that should be rendered for this item
  • parentId identifier of the parent

In the fill method you are able to rename each parameter to your corresponding properties :

$example = [
        "id": 1,
        "content": '<a href="/books">Books</a>',
        "parent": null,
        "id": 2,
        "content": '<a href="/books/fiction">Fiction</a>',
        "parent": 1,
// array to \Std
$data = json_decode(json_encode($example));

// with Laravel
Nav::fill($data, $itemIdentifier = 'id', $itemContent ='content',$parentIdentifier = 'parent');

//without Laravel
$nav->fill($data, $itemIdentifier = 'id', $itemContent = 'content',$parentIdentifier = 'parent');

After hydrating you have to set the current item-id and call the render-method:

//with Laravel
// set the current active item-id, maybe from a url or db

//without Laravel

Attention: when you use php Nav::setCurrent() it will be set for each menu you have defined !

will output:

    <a href="/books">Books</a>
        <span class="active"><a href="/books/fiction">Fiction</a></span>

Please note that the current item will be wrapped in a span.active for additional styling Books has a Level of 1

Books has a Level of 1 not 0 !

If you have multiple navigation on your site you can set different states for each one:


//will render until level == 1 from id 1 down
// will render from id 2 down until the end

For the breadcrumbs you just call the same bucket:

//with Laravel

//without Laravel