
ElasticSearch Custom Engine for Laravel Scout

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2017-03-07 14:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-30 20:31:25 UTC


An ElasticSearch Custom Engine implementation for Laravel Scout (3.*)

IMPORTANT this is still an experimental package!!!


Install the package via composer:

composer require bittenbyte/laravel-scout-elasticsearch

Add the service provider to the providers section in the config/app.php (of course you need Scout too)


In the config/scout.php set the driver properly and add a key as per below:

    'driver' => 'elasticsearch',
    'elasticsearch' => [
        'config' => [
            'hosts' => array_map('trim', explode(',', env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS', 'localhost'))),
        //default searchable fields per index
        'fields' => [
            'users_index' => [
                'name', 'email', 'role', 'slug',
        'indices' => [
            //set your OPTIONAL index specific settings and mappings
            'users_index' => [
                'settings' => [
                    'number_of_shards' => 3,
                    'number_of_replicas' => 2
                'mappings' => [
                    'authenticable' => [
                        '_source' => [
                            'enabled' => true,
                        'properties' => [
                            'name' => [
                                'type' => 'string',
                                'index' => 'not_analyzed',
                            'slug' => [
                                'type' => 'string',
                                'index' => 'not_analyzed',
                            'role' => [
                                'type' => 'string',
                                'index' => 'not_analyzed',
                            'email' => [
                                'type' => 'string',
                                'index' => 'not_analyzed',


Follow this documentation below and the official docs for scout

TO-DO (docs)

Advanced/Custom query builder


Not to forget from Scout docs

indexation is automaticaly hooked to Eloquent create, update and (soft)delete operations

Also is possible to index/remove from index manually

// Updating via Eloquent query...
App\Order::where('price', '>', 100)->searchable();

// You may also update via relationships...

// You may also update via collections...
// Removing via Eloquent query...
App\Order::where('price', '>', 100)->unsearchable();

// You may also remove via relationships...

// You may also remove via collections...

Pausing Indexing

This is useful specially when doing batch operations

App\Order::withoutSyncingToSearch(function () {
    // Perform model actions...

Search (try out in tinker)

$orders = App\Order::search('Star Trek')->get();

Where clauses (only id). Weird concept (NoSQL and sql wheres?)

$orders = App\Order::search('Star Trek')->where('user_id', 1)->get();


$orders = App\Order::search('Star Trek')->paginate();