
Service is used to technical setup a FE user in an eID or login a user using the users uid or username.

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Open Issues: 0


v1.3.2 2021-09-29 21:31 UTC


Technical login service

Service is used to technical setup a FE user in an eID or login a user using the users uid or username.


eID FE User init

When (re)starting a user session inside an API, add the following code to your API. After the call your TSFE is filled as if the user was loading a FE page.

/** @var \BPN\Typo3LoginService\Controller\Login\EidLoginController $loginController */
$loginController = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\BPN\Typo3LoginService\Controller\Login\EidLoginController::class);
$authenticaticated = $loginController->initFeUser();

Notice that this method does not login a person other than the person already logged in.

Logging in a user from code

When you need to login a user from code, and you know the users uid, call the following code:CodeLoginController

/** @var \BPN\Typo3LoginService\Controller\Login\CodeLoginController $eidLoginController */
$loginController = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\BPN\Typo3LoginService\Controller\Login\CodeLoginController::class);
$authenticaticated = $loginController->loginUser($userid);

Whats new in this version


  • This version is updated to work with TYPO3 v10.3.


  • This version is potentially unssafe in relation to other services. Use at own risk