billyranario / laravel-passport-boilerplate
A Laravel package to quickly start a new project with Laravel Passport
- php: >=7.4
- billyranario/prostarterkit: ^1.0
- laravel/framework: >=6.0
- laravel/passport: >=11.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
is a Laravel package that provides a set of tools to help you build APIs and web applications faster.
- PHP version: 7.4 and above
- Laravel version: 6.0 and above
- Laravel Passport: ^12.0
- Billyranario Prostarter-Kit: ^1.0
Table of Contents
composer require laravel/passport composer require billyranario/prostarterkit php artisan vendor:publish --tag=passport-migrations php artisan vendor:publish --tag=prostarter-kit composer require billyranario/laravel-passport-boilerplate php artisan vendor:publish --tag=billyranario-boilerplate --force php artisan migrate
edit config/auth.php
return [ ..., // Other config 'guards' => [ 'web' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'users', ], // Add this following code below 'api' => [ 'driver' => 'passport', 'provider' => 'users', ], ], ];
php artisan passport:keys php artisan passport:client --password > psk-password-grant > [0] users php artisan passport:client --personal > psk-personal-access
Creating Superadmin
On your .env
file, add the following code below. This will provide a default web url for your reset password form page.
is the default password for creating an admin user. You can change it to your desired password.
If not specified, the default password is Abc@123456
APP_WEB_URL=http://localhost:4202 APP_ADMIN_PASS=secret
Once everything is setup, you run the artisan command below to create an admin user.
php artisan admin:create
php artisan admin:create --super # to create a super admin
This will ask you a password to proceed. The password should match to the value you set in the APP_ADMIN_PASS in your .env
Admin:API Middleware Kernel.php
Open your app/Http/Kernel.php
file and insert the following code below.
protected $middlewareAliases = [ // other aliases.... 'admin.api' => \App\Http\Middleware\Admin\AdminApi::class, // <- Insert this line ];
Setup UserObserver
Insert the following lines of codes below
use App\Models\User; use App\Observers\UserObserver; // INSIDE THE CLASS, ADD THIS /** * The model observers for your application. * * @var array */ protected $observers = [ User::class => [UserObserver::class], ];
Update Routes
Insert the followwing
public function boot(): void { RateLimiter::for('api', function (Request $request) { return Limit::perMinute(60)->by($request->user()?->id ?: $request->ip()); }); $this->routes(function () { Route::middleware('api') ->prefix('api') ->group(base_path('routes/api.php')); // INSERT THIS BLOCK Route::middleware('api') ->prefix('api/admin') ->group(base_path('routes/admin.php')); // END Route::middleware('web') ->group(base_path('routes/web.php')); }); }
Contributions are welcome. Please submit a PR or open an issue.
This package is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.