bigpoint / slim-bootstrap
These classes provide a simple way to bootstrap a Slim application with authentication.
- php: >=5.3.3
- bigpoint/monolog-creator: 1.*
- flynsarmy/slim-monolog: 1.*
- nocarrier/hal: 0.9.*
- slim/slim: 2.5.*
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.*
This framework is deprecated in favor of
These classes provide a simple way to bootstrap a Slim application with authentication.
It is an abstraction of the Slim Framework and handles some stuff like output generation in different formats and authentication / acl handling.
composer require bigpoint/slim-bootstrap
webserver configuration
In order to configure your webserver to pass all requests in a proper way to the slim application please read the Route URL Rewriting section of the Slim documentation.
Setup Skeleton API
Create a folder for your new api and run the following command there.
in the following one liner to your API namespace (camel case) name and execute this line. It will load the framework and create a skeleton structure:
NAMESPACE="<YOUR_NAMESPACE>" && composer init -n && composer require "bigpoint/slim-bootstrap:*" && ./vendor/bin/slim-bootstrap-generator "${NAMESPACE}" && composer dumpautoload
How to implement manually
In order to create a rest api based on this framework you need a structure similar to the following in your project.
├── composer.json
├── config
│ └── application.json
├── include
│ └── ###Namespace###
│ └── Endpoint
│ └── V1
│ ├── Collection
│ │ └── EndpointA.php
│ └── Resource
│ └── EndpointA.php
└── www
└── index.php
This file holds the main configuration for the implementation and the framework.
For documentation on the "monolog"
block in the config see MonologCreator.
The following structure has to be present:
{ "shortName": "###NAMESPACE_LOWER###", "cacheDuration": 900, "debug": false, "csv": { "delimiter": ",", "enclosure": "\"", "linebreak": "\r\n", "encloseAll": false, "null": "NULL" }, "monolog": { "handler": { "udp": { "host": "", "port": 6666, "formatter": "logstash" } }, "formatter": { "logstash": { "type": "SlimBootstrap-###NAMESPACE_LOWER###" } }, "logger": { "_default": { "handler": ["udp"], "level": "DEBUG" }, "slim": { "handler": ["udp"], "level": "DEBUG" } } } }
The shortName
is used to prefix the endpoint names in the welcome endpoint when hal+json is used as output format.
The cacheDuration
defines the interval (in seconds) used for the cache expire headers of the response.
If the debug
flag is set to true the slim framework will print out a stack trace if an error occurs. Otherwise it will just show a 500 Internal Server Error.
the include/ folder
This folder should contain your endpoint implementation. Read below about how to define an endpoint.
the www/index.php
This file is the main entry point for the application. Here is an example how this file should look like:
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $applicationConfig = json_decode( file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../config/application.json'), true ); // create logger $loggerFactory = new \MonologCreator\Factory($applicationConfig['monolog']); $authenticationLogger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('authentication'); $phpLogger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('php'); // register php error logger \Monolog\ErrorHandler::register($phpLogger); $bootstrap = new \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap( $applicationConfig ); $bootstrap->init(); $bootstrap->addResourceEndpoint( \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_GET, '/dummy/:name', 'dummy', array( 'name' => '\w+', ), new \DummyApi\Endpoint\Resource\Dummy() ); $bootstrap->addCollectionEndpoint( \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_GET, '/dummy', 'dummy', new \DummyApi\Endpoint\Collection\Dummy() ); $bootstrap->run();
Create Endpoints
Collection Endpoint
The framework supports two types of endpoints. Collection endpoints, to return multiple results and resource endpoints to return / handle a special result.
Collection endpoints
These endpoints should implement one of the CollectionEndpoint interfaces located under \SlimBootstrap\Endpoint. It will then get an array of filter parameters which can be passed as GET parameters and if it is not a GET endpoint an array of data which will be the payload send with the request. The endpoint should return an array of \SlimBootstrap\DataObject where each DataObject holds one result.
Resource endpoints
These endpoints should implement one of the ResourceEndpoint interfaces located under \SlimBootstrap\Endpoint. It will then get an array of the parameters in the URL the resource is identified with and if it is not a GET endpoint an array of data which will be the payload send with the request. The endpoint should return a \SlimBootstrap\DataObject and it should throw a \SlimBootstrap\Exception if the endpoint encounters an error. When an exception is thrown, the optional third parameter defines the log level with which this exception will be logged. The default is "ERROR". The message of that exception will be printed out as result and the code will be used as HTTP status code.
Supported HTTP methods
At the moment the framework supports the following HTTP methods:
For each of these methods the framework supplies two interfaces for the Collection and Resource endpoint under \SlimBootstrap\Endpoint.
Registering endpoints to the framework
The written endpoints have to be registered to the framework and the underling Slim instance in order to be accessible. This can be done by calling the appropriate add methods on the \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap instance after the init()
call and before the run()
call. The framework is using the basic form of slim to register a route and bind an endpoint to the route. In order to do this the methods need some specific parameters which are explained here for the GET endpoints but are very similar for the other endpoints:
This methods needs a HTTP protocol for which this endpoint should be registered. This should be one of the \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_*
constants. As second argument it needs a route
which is the relative url it can be called as so for example "/myendpoint". As third argument it needs a name
which will be used to identify the route and which can then be used in the ACL config to configure access to this route / endpoint. The fourth parameter is an instance of \SlimBootstrap\Endpoint\Collection*. As the sixth parameter you can optionally pass a boolean to define whether authentication should be enabled or disabled for this one endpoint. This overwrites the global authentication definition.
This methods needs a HTTP protocol for which this endpoint should be registered. This should be one of the \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_*
constants. As second argument it needs a route
which is the relative url it can be called as so for example "/myendpoint/:someId". As third argument it needs a name
which will be used to identify the route and which can then be used in the ACL config to configure access to this route / endpoint. The fourth parameter is an array of conditions that can define constrains for the passed id (someId
). These constrains are normal PHP regular expressions. Finally the fifth parameter is an instance of \SlimBootstrap\Endpoint\Resource*. As the sixth parameter you can optionally pass a boolean to define whether authentication should be enabled or disabled for this one endpoint. This overwrites the global authentication definition.
Response Output
Slim-Bootstrap supports multiple response output types, which can be requested via header attribute "Accept":
- application/hal+json (default)
- application/json
- text/csv
Streamable Output
To handle large response output, its possible to sent the response body as data stream. You have to add the interface SlimBootstrap\Endpoint\Streamable to your endpoint, to enable this feature. Next you have to call the method writeToStream at the injected outputwriter for each data entry/line. The output writer have to support the streamable output. Using normal and streamable outputwriter at the same time for the same endpoint is not possible at the moment.
streamable output types
- text/csv
class SomeEndpoint implements SlimBootstrap\Endpoint\ResourceGet, SlimBootstrap\Endpoint\Streamable { public function setOutputWriter( SlimBootstrap\ResponseOutputWriterStreamable $outputWriter ) { $this->_outputWriter = $outputWriter; } ... public function get(array $parameters) { ... $dbResultStatement = $database->getDbResult(); //PDO Statement object // fetching single db rows here to save memory while (false !== ($entry = $dbResultStatement->fetch( \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, \PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT ))) { $this->_outputWriter->writeToStream( $this->_createDataObject((int)$entry['id'], $entry) ); } ... } ... }
Regarding text/csv
The properties of the CSV are configurable in the 'csv' section of the application.json
. If not existent the following defaults will be used:
Configvalue | Default | Description |
delimiter |
"," |
Field delimiter |
enclosure |
"\"" |
Field Enclosure |
linebreak |
"\r\n" |
Linebreak |
encloseAll |
false |
Enclose every field (true) or only where it is necessary (false) |
null |
"NULL" |
Replace a null value in the dataset with this string. |
Attention: CSV output can only show one layer of data hierarchy. Fields with another layer will be ignored. Also the data will be not normalized, so all fields have to be consistent across all data entries.
It's possible to enable an authentication against an oauth server, to secure your api and set endpoint specific permissions. The oauth server has to provide the clientId as entity_id
in its /me endpoint of assigned token, to work properly with slim-bootstraps authentication.
How it works
When authentication is enabled, you have to add the url parameter access_token
to api calls with an access token given from your oauth server. The authentication logic validate this access token against the configured oauth server via its /me endpoint. Next the collected clientId from /me endpoint is going to be validated against requested endpoint and configured acl. If all is fine, access is granted to requester. Otherwise request is aborted with an 401 or 403.
Enable Authentication
If you want to use the authentication against an oauth /me endpoint you have to define the url to the /me endpoint in the config field authenticationUrl
. At the end of that value the passed access token is concatenated.
Also you have to add a config/acl.json, which defines accessible endpoints for a clientId.
{ "roles": { "role_dummy": { "index": true, "dummy": true } }, "access": { "myDummyClientId": "role_dummy", } }
Last, you have to add following code parts at your ww/index.php file.
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $applicationConfig = json_decode( file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../config/application.json'), true ); +$aclConfig = json_decode( + file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../config/acl.json'), + true +); // create logger $loggerFactory = new \MonologCreator\Factory($applicationConfig['monolog']); $authenticationLogger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('authentication'); $phpLogger = $loggerFactory->createLogger('php'); // register php error logger \Monolog\ErrorHandler::register($phpLogger); +$authFactory = new \SlimBootstrap\Authentication\Factory( + $applicationConfig, + $authenticationLogger +); +$authentication = $authFactory->createOauth(); $bootstrap = new \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap( $applicationConfig, + $authentication, + $aclConfig ); $bootstrap->init(); $bootstrap->addResourceEndpoint( \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_GET, '/dummy/:name', 'dummy', array( 'name' => '\w+', ), new \DummyApi\Endpoint\Resource\Dummy() ); $bootstrap->addCollectionEndpoint( \SlimBootstrap\Bootstrap::HTTP_METHOD_GET, '/dummy', 'dummy', new \DummyApi\Endpoint\Collection\Dummy() ); $bootstrap->run();
This is mapping the clientId "myDummyClientId" to the role "role_dummy" which has access to the "index" and the "dummy" endpoints.
Custom Authentication
If you want, you can define your own authentication class which for example reads from a database. If you want to do this you have to implement the Authentication interface.
License & Authors
- Authors:: Peter Ahrens (, Andreas Schleifer (, Hendrik Meyer (
Copyright:: 2015 Bigpoint GmbH
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.