
The YNOTPHP Framework Version 1.0

1.0 2020-11-10 10:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 21:56:43 UTC


YNOTPHP is a lightweight PHP framework which is developed to make the life of developer easier. Unlike every modern framework like Laravel, Codeigniter, etc., it doesn't contain any core to confuse the developer. That means the entire structure is completely in the hands of the developer.

Server Requirements

The YNOTPHP framework comes with few requirements as below.

  • PHP >= 5.6
  • Composer
  • MySql PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

Getting Started


You can directly download the framework from github url:


if GIT is installed on your system, you can install using the below command.

git clone

Once, you downloaded the framework first thing you need to install packages using composer like below.

composer install

Once the packages installed you need to generate your unique APP_KEY using below command from your command shell.


The above command will generate an hashed APP_KEY like below.


You need to add your app key in your env.php file as shown below.

"APP_KEY" =>

If you are using the framework from the root folder then you need to set APP_PATH in your env.php like below.

"APP_PATH" => "",

or if you are using the framework from any subfolder then you need to configure that subfolder path like below.

"APP_PATH" => "/folder/subfolder",

Once you finish this, your installation will be finished and you will be redirected to homepage.


Public Directory

After installing YNOTPHP, you should configure your web server's document / web root to be the public directory. The index.php in this directory serves as the front controller for all HTTP requests entering your application.

Environmental Variables

All the environmental variables in this framework will be configured in env.php file.

YNOTPHP defaultly comes with the below variables.

APP_NAME: This is the name of your project.


APP_PATH: This is the path of the application.

"APP_PATH" => "/test/ynotphp",

APP_KEY: This is the unique key of the application which will be used in all trasactions regarding security.

"APP_KEY" =>

APP_DEBUG: This will debug your app and log the errors into logs folder.

"APP_DEBUG" => true,

Note: By default it is true, but you can turn it off by setting false in production mode.

APP_MODE: This is the mode of the app. Initially YNOTPHP supports 3 types of modes.

  1. Development
  2. Testing
  3. Production

By default the mode will set to development.

"APP_MODE" => "development",
Config Directory

Config directory contains 3 different folders.

  1. development
  2. testing
  3. production

Each folder contains 3 different files.

  1. db.php
  2. mail.php
  3. env.php

You can configure different database and mail configurations in different modes.

For example, if you set APP_MODE to testing then the database and mail configuration from testing folder will be used.


All the routes in YNOTPHP will be configured in web.php. YNOTPHP used AltoRouter for routing. So you can utilize all its features. But YNOTPHP adopted latest MVC architecture along with the router, so you can define the controller method directly from your router as shown below.

// Method, URL, Controller, Name

$router->map('GET', '/', 'Controllers\\HomeController@home', 'home');

To define dynamic routes and URL parameters, you can check the documentation of AltoRouter.


Instead of defining all of your request handling logic in route files, you may wish to organize this behavior using Controller classes. Controllers can group related request handling logic into a single class. Controllers are stored in the app/Controllers directory.

Defining Controllers

Below is an example of a basic controller class. Note that the controller extends the base controller class included with YNOTPHP. The base class provides a few convenience methods which may be used controller actions:

    namespace Controllers;

    class HomeController extends Controller
        public function home()
            // render view
            return $this->render("home");

You can define a route to this controller action like so:

$router->map('GET', '/', 'Controllers\\HomeController@home', 'home');


Views contain the HTML served by your application and separate your controller / application logic from your presentation logic. Views are stored in the Views directory. A simple view might look something like this:

        <h1>Hello, <?php echo $variable ?></h1>


A view will be rendered in the controller using the render method which is defined in the Controller.

public function home()
return $this->render("home");

In the above code will render home.php inside Views directory. In case if the view is inside a folder in Views directory then you can call it like below.

public function home()
return $this->render("site.home");

Then it will look into Views/site/home.php.

Passing data to views

You can pass strings and arrays to the view from the controller as shown below.

public function about()
$name = "YNOTPHP";
$study = "10";
$data = array('args' => $args, "name" => $name, "study" => $study);
return $this->render("about", compact('name', 'study', 'data'));

And we can echo the variable in the view normally like below.

<?php echo $name; ?>

Better Templating

You can include view files into another just like Laravel blade templates.

<?php parseview(''); ?>
// Reset of the view code

The above code will include Views/layouts/site/header.php in your current file.


A Model is a representation of the database table. Controllers will get access to the database using Models. In YNOTPHP we can define models like below.

    // Define the namespace
    namespace Models;
    // use the DB Facade
    use Facades\DB;

    class User extends Model
        public function model_function() {
            // Add the query

The model uses PDO statements to interact with database.

public function update_profile_by_email($uemail, $name, $mobile, $state, $district, $city)
    $db = DB::open();
    $sql = "UPDATE users SET name=?, mobile=?, state=?, district=?, city=? WHERE email=?";
    $query = $db->stmt_init();
    if($query = $db->prepare($sql))
        $query->bind_param('ssssss', $name, $mobile, $state, $district, $city, $uemail);
    return true;
public function get_all()
    $data = array();
    $db = DB::open();
    $sql = "SELECT id, id_num, name, email, mobile, state, district, city, active, created_at FROM users ORDER BY id DESC";
    $query = $db->stmt_init();
    if($query = $db->prepare($sql))
        $query->bind_result($id, $id_num, $name, $email, $mobile, $state, $district, $city, $active, $created);
        $numrows = $query->num_rows;
        if($numrows > 0)
                $data[] = array(
                    "id" => $id,
                    "id_num" => $id_num,
                    "name" => $name,
                    "email" => $email,
                    "mobile" => $mobile,
                    "state" => $state,
                    "district" => $district,
                    "city" => $city,
                    "active" => $active,
                    "created_at" => $created
    return $data;

We can use the model in the controllers like below.

use Models\User;

Once the model is included in the Controller, then we can use all the methods in the model.

public function users()
    // get all the users as array
    $users = User::get_all();
    return $this->render('admin.users', compact('users'));

We can use the model inside views also by directly calling the model.

$users = Models\User::get_all()


Facades has been develop to optimize the code need to be done for typical functionalities just like Laravel. In default, there are 6 types of facades come up with YNOTPHP. Those are:

  1. Mail
  2. Request
  3. Validation
  4. Crypt
  5. DB
  6. File

Lets have a quick look at what these facades are used to do.


Mail facade is used to send emails. You can use this facade inside your controller to send emails. To use Mail facade, we must use it first in our controller.

use Facades\Mail;

Once the facade has been used, then we are free to use it. First we need to configure the mail server in mail.php in your current mode inside config directory.

If you are using the application in development mode, then you need to configure mail server at config/development/mail.php file.

return array(
    "MAIL_DRIVER" => "",
    "MAIL_HOST" => "",
    "MAIL_PORT" => "",
    "MAIL_USERNAME" => "",
    "MAIL_PASSWORD" => "",

once the configuration has been completed, then we are free to send emails.

$mail = new Mail();
// We can add multiple senders using the method.
$mail->addSender("", "Sender Name");
$mail->addReceiver("", "Receiver Name");
$mail->subject = "This is the subject";
// Body will look into mails folder inside views folder. The view file will execute is views/mails/view_name.php
$mail->body = "view_name";
// We can send arguments to the view file.
$mail->args = array(
    "url" => "This is a url parameter",
    "name" => "YNOTPHP"
try {
    return $this->back(); // It will return to the back page.
catch(Exception $e) {
    echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}";

We can receive the dynamic argumants using $args from the mail view.

<?php echo $args['url']; ?>
<?php echo $args['name']; ?>


Request facade is used to get form data or url parameters. Request facade is an important to use facade when you are working with dynamic website.

use Facades\Request;

Request facade will be used inside the controller as shown below.

$request = new Request();
$token = $request->input("reset_token");
$password = $request->secure_input("password");
$confirm_password = $request->secure_input("confirm_password");

Request facade contains following methods.


This method will be used to get form data normally without using any filters.

$name = $request->input("input_name")

This method is used to get data which has been sent using GET method or from URL parameters.

$id = $request->get("id")

This method is used to get form data which is sent using ajax POST requests.

$name = $request->ajax("input_name")

This method is used to get form data in secure mode by filtering malicious chars.

$name = $request->secure_input("input_name")

This method is used to get data from URL parameters in secure mode.

$id = $request->secure_get("id")

This method is used to get data from ajax POST request in secure mode.

$name = $request->secure_ajax("input_name")

This method is used to validate password. It checks password for the below conditions.

  1. Min Length: 10
  2. Max: Length: 32
  3. Must contain atleast one capital letter, one small letter, one digit and one special character.
if($request->password_check($password)) {
// Password is valid
} else {
// Not valid

This method is used to hash the strings like password.

$hashed_password = $request->hash($password);

This method is used to verify hashed string with normal string.

if($request->verify_hash($string, $hashed_string))
// hash verified
else {
// hash not verified

This method is used to get all the data from request by passing request name.

$get_data = $request->all("get") // Returns all data from get method.
$post_data = $request->all("post") // Returns all data from post method.
$ajax_data = $request->all("ajax") // Returns all data from ajax request.


Validation facade is used to validate form data. You can use the facade from controller as.

use Facades\Validation;
$request = new Request();
$email = $request->secure_input("email");
$password = $request->secure_input("password");

// Create validation instance
$validation = new Validation();

// Check email required.

// Check password required

// Check validation result
if($validation->isSuccess()) {
// Validation is success
// Validation fails
return $this->back();

YNOTPHP has been adopted validation plugin from davidecesarano/Validation library. It provides flexible features and developer friendly functionality. Check out the complete documentation in the official repository of library.


Crypt facade is used to encrypt and decrypt the string. Generally it will use your unique APP_KEY for encryption and decryption.

YNOTPHP has been adopted defuse/php-encryption library for better security.

We can use this facade in our controller as follows.

use Facades\Crypt;

Once included we can start to encrypt and decrypt strings.

public function encrypt() {
$string = "YNOTPHP";

// Encrypt string
$encrypted_string = Crypt::encrypt($string);

// Decrypt string
$decrypted_string = Crypt::decrypt($encrypted_string);


File facade is used to store files in server. It will collect the files from POST request and will be used to upload to server.

use Facades\File;

Once the facade is included, then we are free to use this facade inside our controller.

public function addimage()
// Create file instance
$file = new File();

// Get file by input name
$image = $file->get("image");

// Create a new name for the uploaded file.
// If you don't give any new name it will upload using its current name.
$name = "gallery_".time();

// Upload file
// $file->upload(file, path, new_name)
// If file has been uploaded, then it will return its name.
$name = $file->upload($image, "images", $name);
// Uploaded successfully
else {
// Not uploaded

YNOTPHP will upload files into public/storage directory.

Using this facade we can validate image sizes too using validateImageSizes method.

public function image() {
$file = new File();
$image = $file->get("image");

// $file->validateImageSizes(image, width(px), height(px))
if($file->validateImageSizes($image, 100, 250)) {
// Validation passed
} else {
// Validation fails


DB facade will be used to explore database connection. It will be used in Models to connect with database.

namespace Models;

use Facades\DB;

class Tag
public $table = "tags";

public function create($page, $tag)
// Open connection
$db = DB::open();

// Write query
$sql = "INSERT INTO tags (page, tag) VALUES (?, ?)";

// Execute query
$query = $db->stmt_init();
$query = $db->prepare($sql);
$query->bind_param('is', $page, $tag);

// Close connection
return true;
return false;

DB facade use mysqli class to open database connection. But developers are free to use any kind of connection they want in the models without using the facade.


Helpers are functions which are developed to reduce the time of the coding of complex functionality.

Here are the helpers listed below:



This function is used to get the variables from env.php.

$keyAscii = env('APP_KEY');

This function is used to get the variables from db.php in the current mode configured in env.php.

$dbhost = db("DB_HOST");
$dbuser = db("DB_USER");
$dbpassword = db("DB_PASSWORD");
$dbname = db("DB_NAME");

This will return the values from db.php in the current mode in config directory.

If your mode is testing then it will return the values from config/testing/db.php.


This function is used to get the variables from mail.php in your current mode.

$mail->Host = email("MAIL_HOST");
$mail->Username = email("MAIL_USERNAME");
$mail->Password = email("MAIL_PASSWORD");
$mail->SMTPSecure = email("MAIL_ENCRYPTION");
$mail->Port = email("MAIL_PORT");

This function is uded to retrieve the variables from env.php from the current mode.

You can use this if you want any variables to be different in multiple modes.

$variable = modeenv('VARIABLE_NAME);

Path & Asset


This function is used to link scripts and stylesheets to the views. This function will point inside public directory.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo asset('css/custom.css'); ?>" type="text/css" />

This function is used to get the exact URL path of the web page.

    <a href="<?php echo url('showcase')?>"
        class="home <?php if(request_path() == "showcase") echo "active"; ?>">Showcase</a>
    <a href="<?php echo url('about')?>" class="home <?php if(request_path() == "about") echo "active"; ?>">About Us</a>

This function matches the prefix of the given path with the URL paths and returns true if matched.

<li class="nav-item <?php if(request_is("masterzone/pages")) echo "active"; ?>"></li>

This will check if the url path contains masterzone/pages as prefix, if it is, then returns true.


This function is used to generate URL.

echo url("contact");

This will generate the complete url with contact. This will be used in both views and controllers.


This function is used to get the current URL of the page. This will print entire URL.

$url = get_url();



This function is used to retrieve the uploaded files from storage directory inside public directory.

<img src="<?php echo storage_asset('images/uploaded.png'); ?>" /> 

This will return public/storage/images/uploaded.png.