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PHP ini file parser.

dev-master 2014-06-06 05:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-18 01:44:05 UTC


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IniParser is a library that allows user to parse the ini file and outputs result into a meaningful array syntax. IniFetcher is a wrapper around IniParser which does two thing; it invokes IniParser and parses the ini file, and it provides a getter method to access ini property easily.

Example Usage

There are two ways you can access ini file values using this library.

Using IniParser class

$parser = new IniParser($fileJson);
$data = $parser->parse();
echo "Using IniParser: " . $data['json']['list']['creditcards']['amex']['prefix'] . '<br/>';

Using IniFetcher(preferable)

$fetcher = IniFetcher::getInstance($fileJson);
echo "Using IniFetcher: " . $fetcher::get('');


IniParser supports various syntax in ini file. See below for supported syntax.


In your ini file you can have a section can inherit properties from other section. The syntax for that is [childSection : parentSection]. See below the example for inheritance in ini file.

; For inheritance to work in ini files parent must be defined
; as a section before its child is defined. In other words parent
; needs to go on top and child needs to be at bottom.

; default set of properties
section = common
type = parent
site.url =

; prod extends common and overrides same property found in common
[prod : common]
section = prod
type = child
site.url =

; test extends common and overrides same property found in common
[test : common]
section = test
type = child
site.url =

; dev extends common and overrides same property found in common
[dev : common]
section = dev
type = child
site.url =

; 'bhargav' extends dev and overrides same property found in dev
[bhargav : dev]
section = bhargav

; lazydev is an alias of dev since it doesn't contain any self property
[lazydev : dev]

Each properties from the parent section will get extended into the child section. If the key name is similar, child section key overrides parent section key. Please note that the parent section needs to declared before the child section because we can not control the ordering of ini file section. Also multiple inheritance is not supported.

Global properties

If the key value pair is defined without any section name, it will be considered in a global section. This is particularly useful in a situation when you are not sure about where to put the entry.

system.section = global
system.includePath.public = "public/global"
system.includePath.components = "components/"
system.phpSettings.display_errors = 0
system.phpSettings.display_warning = 1
site.url =
key1 = parentValue1
key3 = parentValue3

Array literals

IniParser supports array literals. That means you can pass in values in an array literal for a key. This is particularly useful when you have multiple possible values for a given key e.g all admin users as in system.admins = [user1,user2,user3]. If you have inheritance with array literals, the child class will have priority over the parent class as explained in the example below.

; example of a array like literal's ini file

; some global just for fun
site.url.primary = ''
site.url.secondary = ''

system.users = [user1,user2,user3]
system.section = [prod]
system.admins = ['user1',user2,1234,12.34]

[empty2 : empty1]

Please note that all empty section in an ini file will be ignored. In above example all empty1, empty2 and empty3 will be ignored because both empty1 and empty3 are actually empty and empty2 is extending empty1 but again the section after the inheritance is empty.


Comments are not parsed but it is rather important part of an ini file. It helps documenting ini correctly for future use. IniParser provides variety of comment styles as shown in below example. Note that none of those comment lines will be parsed into a value.

; prod only properties
system.section = prod

; test only properties
[test : prod]
system.section = test

; dev only properties
[dev : test]
system.section = dev

; # tab comment, php will ignore this
#   space comment
#        tab-space comment
###   multiple hash comment
#   comment starting and ending with hash #

################   @author Bhargav Vadher           ########################
################   @site   ########################

All the lines that starts with ; or # will be considered as a comment and will not be parsed. After the first pass of parsing the ini would look something like below. Note that empty lines will be ignored as well.

system.section = prod
[test : prod]
system.section = test
[dev : test]
system.section = dev

Json string

This is pretty useful when you have a json structure of values that you want to use in your config system. Use case will be lets say you have a job that gets configuration fields from database on each deployment and then creates a json out of it. Now you can use that json blob directly into the ini files and IniParser will break it down into multi dimensional array like structure. Please see below example for more detail.

# global json property section
list = '{
	"colors" : [
			"colorName" : "red",
			"hexValue" : "#f00"
			"colorName" : "green",
			"hexValue" : "#0f0"
			"colorName" : "blue",
			"hexValue" : "#00f"
	"creditcards" : {
		"amex" : {"name": "American Express","prefix": "34","length": 15},
		"bankcard" : {"name": "Bankcard","prefix": "5610","length": 16},
		"chinaunion" : {"name": "China UnionPay","prefix": "62","length": 16},
		"dccarte" : {"name": "Diners Club Carte Blanche","prefix": "300","length": 14},
		"dcenroute" : {"name": "Diners Club enRoute","prefix": "2014","length": 15},
		"dcintl" : {"name": "Diners Club International","prefix": "36","length": 14},
		"dcusc" : {"name": "Diners Club United States & Canada","prefix": "54","length": 16},
		"discover" : {"name": "Discover Card","prefix": "6011","length": 16},
		"instapay" : {"name": "Insta Payment","prefix": "637","length": 16},
		"jcb" : {"name": "JCB","prefix": "3528","length": 16},
		"laser" : {"name": "Laser","prefix": "6304","length": 16},
		"maestro" : {"name": "Maestro","prefix": "5018","length": 16},
		"mc" : {"name": "Mastercard","prefix": "51","length": 16},
		"solo" : {"name": "Solo","prefix": "6334","length": 16},
		"switch" : {"name": "Switch","prefix": "4903","length": 16},
		"visa" : {"name": "Visa","prefix": "4","length": 16},
		"electron" : {"name": "Visa Electron","prefix": "4026","length": 16}

# regular ini property section
name.first = Bhargav
name.last = Vadher