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SDK package to send notifications

2.0 2021-08-13 15:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 20:34:43 UTC


Here is the package for PHP language to work with TestTaskSDK notification service.

To install this package just add to your composer.json the following data:

    "require": {
        "beter/test-task-sdk": "2.*"

After that, run php composer.phar update. That's all.


To start using of TestTaskSDK service SDK write the following code in your application.


use TestTaskSdkClient\TTClient;

$endpoint = '...'; // insert endpoint that was given to you by TestTaskSDK client's manager
$token = '...'; // insert token that was given to you by TestTaskSDK client's manager
$message = 'Hi all! Hot vacancy! Beter is hiring developers!';

$sdkClient = new TTClient($endpoint, $token);
$authKey = $sdkClient->auth();

// now you may create a job!

$jobId = $sdkClient->createJob($authKey, $message);

After that, the job is created and you can check job's status by calling checkJobStatus method:

$status = $sdkClient->checkJobStatus($authKey, $jobId);

if ($status === TTClient::JOB_STATUS_DONE) {
    echo "Success!!";


__construct($endpoint, $token)

Setup endpoint and token, cap!


Call this method prior to dispatching of the job. This will limit execution time for auth, createJob, checkJobStatus methods. Reusable, so set it up once.


Returns authKey that's mandatory for the next SDK calls like createJob, checkJobStatus.

createJob($authKey, $message)

Created a job. Job is a task to send message. Message may be sent only after some time, so this method returns immediately. Method returns jobId if jow was successfully queued for dispatching. Method doesn't guaranty that jobId will be dispatched. To check status of the job use checkJobStatus method.

If TestTaskSDK service is unavailable, exception will be thrown.

checkJobStatus($authKey, $jobId)

Returns status of the job (specified by jobId). Status is one of the following hardcoded constants:

  • TTClient::JOB_STATUS_DONE - when the message was successfully dispatched and money was charged;
  • TTClient::JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS - when the message is still in the queue;
  • TTClient::JOB_STATUS_FAILED - when message wasn't delivered, so, your balance will not be charged.

Method may throw exception if something went wrong.