
v3.2.1 2024-01-08 03:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 03:40:14 UTC


composer require bermudaphp/router

Relevance of documentation

This documentation is relevant for all versions starting from 3.1


$router = Router::withDefaults();
$router->getRoutes()->get('home', '/hello/{name}', static function(string $name): void {
    echo sprintf('Hello, %s!', $name)

try {
   $route = $router->match($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} catch(Exception\RouteNotFoundException|Exception\MethodNotAllowedException) {
   // handle exception logics

call_user_func($route->getHandler(), $route->getAttributes()['name']);

Route path generation

echo $router->generate('home', ['name' => 'Jane']); // Output /hello/Jane

Usage with PSR-15

$pipeline = new \Bermuda\Pipeline\Pipeline();
$factory = new \Bermuda\MiddlewareFactory\MiddlewareFactory($containerInterface, $responseFactoryInterface);

class Handler implements RequestHandlerInterface
   public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
       return new TextResponse(sprintf('Hello, %s!', $request->getAttribute('name')))

$router->get('home', '/{name}', Handler::class);

try {
   $response = $pipeline->handle($request);
} catch(Exception\RouteNotFoundException|Exception\MethodNotAllowedException) {
   // handle exception logics


Get current route data

class Handler implements RequestHandlerInterface
   public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
       $routeData = $request->getAttribute('Bermuda\Router\Middleware\RouteMiddleware')->toArray();

RouteMap HTTP Methods

$routes->get(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->post(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->patch(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->put(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->delete(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->options(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, ?array $middleware = null);
$routes->any(string $name, string|Path $path, mixed $handler, string|array $methods = null, ?array $middleware = null);

Set attribute placeholder pattern

$routes->get('users.get, path('api/v1/client/:name', ['name' => '[a-zA-Z]']), static function(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface {
    return get_client_by_name($request->getAttribute('name'));

Optional attribute

$routes->get('users.get, 'api/v1/user/?{id}', static function(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface {
    if (($id = $request->getAttribute('id')) !== null) {
        return get_user_by_id($id);
    return get_all_users();

Predefined placeholders

id: \d+
action: (create|read|update|delete)
any: .*

Other placeholders passed to path as a string without being explicitly defined via path(tokes: $tokens) will match the pattern .*

Routes Group

$routes->group('/admin', callback: static function(RouteMap $routes)
   $routes->get('index', '/', $handler);
   $routes->get('users', '/users', $handler);
   $routes->post('add.user', '/add/user', $handler);


$routes->group('/admin', $middleware, $tokens, static function(RouteMap $routes)
   $routes->get('index', '/', $handler);
   $routes->get('users', '/users', $handler);
   $routes->post('user.add', '/add/user', $handler);


$routes->get($name, $path, $handler, MyMiddleware::class);
$routes->get($name, $path, $handler, [FirstMiddleware::class, SecondMiddleware::class]);



Once all routes are registered in the route map and they will no longer be changed. Call the $routes->cache method to cache the route map in a php file. Then use the Routes::createFromCache('/path/to/cached/routes/filename.php') method to create a map instance with preloaded routes.

 $routes = Routes::createFromCache('path/to/cached/routes/file.php')
 $router = new Router($routes, $routes, $routes);

Cache context

If you are using a parent-context-bound closure (the use construct) as a route handler, then you must pass an array of bound variables to the Routes::createFromCache method. See example below

 $app = new App;
 $repository = new UserRepository;
 $routes->get('user.get', '/user/{id}', static function(int $id) use ($app, $repository): ResponseInterface {
    return $app->respond(200, $repository->findById($id));

 $routes = Routes::createFromCache('path/to/cached/routes/file.php', compact('app', 'repository'));

Cache limitations

Currently, the caching implementation does not allow caching routes using object instances and callback functions based on object instances.


final class Tester
   public const iterationCount = 'it_count';
   public const memoryUsage = 'memory_usage';
   public const memoryPeakUsage = 'memory_peak_usage';
   public const execTime = 'exec_time';

    * @param Benchmark $benchmark
    * @param int $iterationCount
    * @return array
   public function test(Benchmark $benchmark, int $iterationCount = 10000): array
       $result = [
           self::iterationCount => $iterationCount,

       $start = microtime(true);
       $memory = 0;

       while ($iterationCount--) {
           $memory += memory_get_usage(true);

       $humanize = static function($size) {
           return @round($size/pow(1024,($i=floor(log($size,1024)))),2).' '.$unit[$i];

       $result[self::execTime] = microtime(true) - $start;
       $result[self::memoryUsage] = $humanize(round($memory/$result[self::iterationCount]));
       $result[self::memoryPeakUsage] = $humanize(round(memory_get_peak_usage(true)));

       return $result;

class RouterBenchmark implements Benchmark
   public $router = null;
   public function run(): void
       if (!$this->router) {
           $this->router = Router::withDefaults();

           $routes = $this->router->getRoutes();
           $it = 1000;
           while($it--) {
                   new Path('/path/{version}/api/{name}/21', ['version' => '\d', 'name' => 'product']),
                   static fn() => ''

           $routes->get('f22', new Path('/path/{version}/api/{name}/22', ['version' => '\d+', 'name' => 'product']), static fn() => '');
           $this->router = $this->router->withRoutes($routes);

       $this->router->match('GET', '/path/25/api/product/22');

dd((new Tester())->test(new RouterBenchmark()));

^ array:4 [▼
 "it_count" => 10000
 "exec_time" => 62.266676139832
 "memory_usage" => "6 mb"
 "memory_peak_usage" => "6 mb"

class ChachedRouterBenchmark implements Benchmark
   public $router = null;
   public function run(): void
       if (!$this->router) {
           $routes = Routes::createFromCache('chached_routes.php');
           $this->router = new Router($routes, $routes, $routes);

       $this->router->match('GET', '/path/25/api/product/22');

dd((new Tester())->test(new ChachedRouterBenchmark()));

^ array:4 [▼
 "it_count" => 10000
 "exec_time" => 3.1582560539246
 "memory_usage" => "10 mb"
 "memory_peak_usage" => "10 mb"