
Eloquent model search trait.

1.13.0 2020-03-30 12:30 UTC


This package is forked from "nicolaslopezj/searchable" package


Simply add the package to your composer.json file and run composer update.

"beratkara/searchable": "dev-master"


Add the trait to your model and your search rules.

use Nicolaslopezj\Searchable\SearchableTrait;

class User extends \Eloquent
    use SearchableTrait;

     * Searchable rules.
     * @var array
    protected $searchable = [
         * Columns and their priority in search results.
         * Columns with higher values are more important.
         * Columns with equal values have equal importance.
         * @var array
        'columns' => [
            'users.first_name' => 10,
            'users.last_name' => 10,
            '' => 2,
            '' => 5,
            'posts.title' => 2,
            'posts.body' => 1,
        'joins' => [
            'posts' => ['','posts.user_id'],

    public function posts()
        return $this->hasMany('Post');


Now you can search your model.

// Simple search
$users = User::search($query)->get();

// Search and get relations
// It will not get the relations if you don't do this
$users = User::search($query)

Search Paginated

As easy as laravel default queries

// Search with relations and paginate
$users = User::search($query)

Mix queries

Search method is compatible with any eloquent method. You can do things like this:

// Search only active users
$users = User::where('status', 'active')

Custom filters

// Restricted search

$filters = [
        'type' => 'whereBetween',
        'column' => 'created_at',
        'data' => [
            Carbon::now()->startOfDay()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            Carbon::now()->endOfDay()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')

$users = User::where('status', 'active')
            ->searchRestricted($query, $filters)

Custom Threshold

The default threshold for accepted relevance is the sum of all attribute relevance divided by 4. To change this value you can pass in a second parameter to search() like so:

// Search with lower relevance threshold
$users = User::where('status', 'active')
            ->search($query, 0)

The above, will return all users in order of relevance.

Entire Text search

By default, multi-word search terms are split and Searchable searches for each word individually. Relevance plays a role in prioritizing matches that matched on multiple words. If you want to prioritize matches that include the multi-word search (thus, without splitting into words) you can enable full text search by setting the third value to true. Example:

// Prioritize matches containing "John Doe" above matches containing only "John" or "Doe".
$users = User::search("John Doe", null, true)->get();

If you explicitly want to search for full text matches only, you can disable multi-word splitting by setting the fourth parameter to true.

// Do not include matches that only matched "John" OR "Doe".
$users = User::search("John Doe", null, true, true)->get();

How does it work?

Searchable builds a query that search through your model using Laravel's Eloquent. Here is an example query

Eloquent Model:

use Nicolaslopezj\Searchable\SearchableTrait;

class User extends \Eloquent
    use SearchableTrait;

     * Searchable rules.
     * @var array
    protected $searchable = [
        'columns' => [
            'first_name' => 10,
            'last_name' => 10,
            'bio' => 2,
            'email' => 5,



$search = User::search('Sed neque labore', null, true)->get();


select `users`.*, 

-- If third parameter is set as true, it will check if the column starts with the search
-- if then it adds relevance * 30
-- this ensures that relevant results will be at top
(case when first_name LIKE 'Sed neque labore%' then 300 else 0 end) + 

-- For each column you specify makes 3 "ifs" containing 
-- each word of the search input and adds relevace to 
-- the row

-- The first checks if the column is equal to the word,
-- if then it adds relevance * 15
(case when first_name LIKE 'Sed' || first_name LIKE 'neque' || first_name LIKE 'labore' then 150 else 0 end) + 

-- The second checks if the column starts with the word,
-- if then it adds relevance * 5
(case when first_name LIKE 'Sed%' || first_name LIKE 'neque%' || first_name LIKE 'labore%' then 50 else 0 end) + 

-- The third checks if the column contains the word, 
-- if then it adds relevance * 1
(case when first_name LIKE '%Sed%' || first_name LIKE '%neque%' || first_name LIKE '%labore%' then 10 else 0 end) + 

-- Repeats with each column
(case when last_name LIKE 'Sed' || last_name LIKE 'neque' || last_name LIKE 'labore' then 150 else 0 end) + 
(case when last_name LIKE 'Sed%' || last_name LIKE 'neque%' || last_name LIKE 'labore%' then 50 else 0 end) +
(case when last_name LIKE '%Sed%' || last_name LIKE '%neque%' || last_name LIKE '%labore%' then 10 else 0 end) + 

(case when bio LIKE 'Sed' || bio LIKE 'neque' || bio LIKE 'labore' then 30 else 0 end) + 
(case when bio LIKE 'Sed%' || bio LIKE 'neque%' || bio LIKE 'labore%' then 10 else 0 end) + 
(case when bio LIKE '%Sed%' || bio LIKE '%neque%' || bio LIKE '%labore%' then 2 else 0 end) + 

(case when email LIKE 'Sed' || email LIKE 'neque' || email LIKE 'labore' then 75 else 0 end) + 
(case when email LIKE 'Sed%' || email LIKE 'neque%' || email LIKE 'labore%' then 25 else 0 end) + 
(case when email LIKE '%Sed%' || email LIKE '%neque%' || email LIKE '%labore%' then 5 else 0 end) 

as relevance 
from `users` 
group by `id` 

-- Selects only the rows that have more than
-- the sum of all attributes relevances and divided by 4
-- Ej: (20 + 5 + 2) / 4 = 6.75
having relevance > 6.75 

-- Orders the results by relevance
order by `relevance` desc