
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Provides an easy interface to insert HTML meta and link tags into an October CMS layout or page.

v1.0.4 2020-10-03 02:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-07-29 15:22:53 UTC


Please note that this repository is no longer being maintained.
Due to a disagreement with the founders of October CMS, I will no longer be providing updates for the October CMS version of this plugin. I will keep the repository available for people to use, but will only be updating the Winter CMS version of this plugin.

Meta plugin

Provides an easy interface to allow October CMS plugins to insert HTML <meta> and <link> tags, as well as JSON-LD blocks into a layout or page. The plugin provides three helper classes to populate the meta and link tags or JSON-LD blocks, and a component each to inject them into an October CMS layout, partial or page file.


For theme developers

Three components are provided to inject the meta and link tags or JSON-LD blocks into your theme - metaList, linkList and jsonLdList.

Meta tags

Add the Meta -> Meta List component to your page and add the following line where you would like the meta tags to be inserted. This should preferably be inside the <head> tag.

{% component 'metaList' %}

Meta tags will be generated in the following structure:

<meta name="(name)" content="(value)">

Two options are also provided with the component:

  • Include page meta?: If ticked (default), the meta title and description fields provided by October CMS will be also be included in the generated meta tags.
  • Escape tag values?: If ticked (default), the values inserted into the content attribute will be escaped using htmlentities. If this messes up your content, you can untick this to insert the raw content instead.

Link tags

Add the Meta -> Link List component to your page and add the following line where you would like the link tags to be inserted. As above, this should also preferably be inside the <head> tag.

{% component 'linkList' %}

Link tags will be generated in the following structure:

<link rel="(name)" href="(value)">

An option is also provided with the component:

  • Escape tag values?: If ticked (default), the values inserted into the href attribute will be escaped using htmlentities. If this messes up your content, you can untick this to insert the raw content instead.

JSON-LD blocks

Add the Meta -> JSON-LD List component to your page and add the following line where you would like the JSON-LD blocks to be inserted. As above, this should also preferably be inside the <head> tag, beneath all <meta> and <link> tags.

{% component 'jsonLdList' %}

JSON-LD blocks will be generated in the following structure:

<script type="application/ld+json">

An option is also provided with the component:

  • Escape JSON-LD content?: If ticked (default), the values inserted into the JSON-LD content blocks will be escaped using htmlentities. If this messes up your content - especially in the case of HTML content, you can untick this to insert the raw content instead.

For plugin developers

If you wish to use this plugin to provide meta and link tags or JSON-LD block content on sites that your plugin is installed on, you can use the \BennoThommo\Meta\Meta, \BennoThommo\Meta\Link and \BennoThommo\Meta\JsonLd helper classes in your plugin.

These classes can be used up until the point in which the components above are rendered in October CMS.

Meta tags

To add a Meta tag, use the following line:

\BennoThommo\Meta\Meta::set('name', 'value')

where name is the name of the meta tag and value is the content of the meta tag.

You can also add several meta tags at once:

    'name1' => 'value1',
    'name2' => 'value2'

Note that only one value can be used per name. If the same name is used in a more recent call to the helper, the given value will overwrite any previous values.

Link tags

To add a Link tag, use the following line:

\BennoThommo\Meta\Link::set('name', 'value')

where name is the name of the link tag and value is the href of the link tag.

You can also add several link tags at once:

    'name1' => 'value1',
    'name2' => 'value2'

Note that only one value can be used per name. If the same name is used in a more recent call to the helper, the given value will overwrite any previous values.

JSON-LD blocks

To add a JSON-LD block, use the following line:

\BennoThommo\Meta\JsonLd::set('name', '{key: value}')

where name is the name of the JSON-LD block and value is the JSON-encoded content you wish to use in the block.

All provided values will be checked to ensure they are valid JSON - if a value provided is not valid JSON content, an ApplicationException will be thrown.

You can also add several JSON-LD blocks at once:

    'name1' => '{key1: value1}',
    'name2' => '{key2: value2}'