
v1.2.0 2020-01-14 15:34 UTC


This package provides a trait for your Eloquent models to automatically cache any mutators and attributes you choose. Good use cases for this trait are for expensive mutators that you only want to run once per request / certain time period and want to keep your mutator code free from any manual caching.

This package works by hooking into the Eloquent model's getAttributeValue function, and passing thru the value if the specified attribute does not need to be cached as per the $cacheAttributes.


composer require bennett-treptow/laravel-cached-mutators


Basic Usage

use CachedMutators\HasCachedMutators;

 * @property string $customer_id
 * @property \Stripe\Customer $associated_stripe_customer
class MyModel extends Model {
    use HasCachedMutators;

    //declare your auto cached attribute keys
    protected $cacheAttributes = [

    * @return \Stripe\Customer
    public function getAssociatedStripeCustomer(){
        //call to an external service such as Stripe
        //this call will be proxied through the Cache
        //and will only call the external service once

        return \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($this->customer_id);

Advanced Usage

use CachedMutators\HasCachedMutators;

 * @property string $customer_id
 * @property \Stripe\Customer $associated_stripe_customer
 * @property \Stripe\Source[] $associated_payment_methods
class MyModel extends Model {
    use HasCachedMutators;

    //declare your auto cached attribute keys
    protected $cacheAttributes = [
        'associated_stripe_customer' => [
            'store' => 'redis',
            'ttl' => null
        'associated_payment_methods' => [
            'store' => 'redis',
            'ttl' => 1000

    * @return \Stripe\Customer
    public function getAssociatedStripeCustomer(){
        //call to an external service such as Stripe
        //this call will be proxied through the Cache
        //and will only call the external service once

        return \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($this->customer_id);
     * @return \Stripe\Source[]
    public function getAssociatedPaymentMethods(){
        return \Stripe\Customer::allSources($this->customer_id, [
            'object' => 'card', 
            'limit' => 3
use CachedMutators\HasCachedMutators;

 * @property string $customer_id
 * @property \Stripe\Customer $associated_stripe_customer
 * @property \Stripe\Source[] $associated_payment_methods
class MyModel extends Model {
    use HasCachedMutators;
    public static function defaultCacheStore(){
        return 'redis';
    public static function defaultCacheTTL(){
        return 60;

    //declare your auto cached attribute keys
    protected $cacheAttributes = [
        'associated_stripe_customer', //will receive redis as its store and ttl of 60
        'associated_payment_methods' => [
            'ttl' => 600 //will override the default specified above

    * @return \Stripe\Customer
    public function getAssociatedStripeCustomer(){
        //call to an external service such as Stripe
        //this call will be proxied through the Cache
        //and will only call the external service once

        return \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($this->customer_id);
     * @return \Stripe\Source[]
    public function getAssociatedPaymentMethods(){
        return \Stripe\Customer::allSources($this->customer_id, [
            'object' => 'card', 
            'limit' => 3

The $cacheAttributes array can be configured to cache mutators per attribute by defining store and ttl.

By default, the store will follow your application's default cache store, which is usually the file store. Defining a ttl will call the cache repository's remember function, and making ttl null or not part of the array will use the cache repository's rememberForever function. You may also override the defaultCacheStore() and defaultCacheTTL() functions on your models to expedite the process of choosing where each attribute is cached.

Clearing Cached Mutators

Need to clear your cached mutators to get a fresh copy?

clearCachedMutators($key = null)
$myModel = new MyModel();
$stripeCustomer = $myModel->associated_stripe_customer;

//do some stuff..

$myModel->clearCachedMutators(); //will clear all declared mutators in $cacheAttributes
$myModel->clearCachedMutators('associated_stripe_customer'); //to just clear one key