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A PHP SDK for the payment gateway

v0.1.1 2020-04-26 12:48 UTC


License: MIT Twitter: bennetgallein

This is a SDK to simplify working with the G2A payment gateway

🏠 Homepage


composer require bennetgallein/


This will give a quick example how to use this SDK to generate a payment and redirect the user.

use G2APay\G2APay;
use G2APay\Types\Enums\Environment;
use G2APay\Types\Item;
use Tracy\Debugger;

$g2a = new G2APay(
    "", // your merchants email address
    '12345678-1234-12345-12345-123456789012', // your API hash
    'GDG#*)G*Wd#80Ggd*)G#80db380bnf3ijf3iW()#hb[pwai4u3f4b4UU3#$(%ubUb#', // your API secret
    Environment::SANBDOX // which env to use. Can be Environment::SANDBOX or Environment::PRODUCTION. Default is production

$payment = $g2a->createPayment() // initiates a new payment class
    ->addItem((new Item()) // add an item to it
        ->setSku("sku") // set the sku for the item
        ->setName("Test Product") // set the name for the item
        ->setAmount(20.00) // the the total price (quantity * price)
        ->setQuantity(2) // quantity of the item
        ->setId(1) // item id, this is internal to your system
        ->setPrice(10.00) // price per one item
        ->setUrl('') // url to the product
    ->setOrderId(1) // order id, this is internal to you system
    ->setAmount(20.00) // total amount of the transaction
    ->setCurrency('EUR') // ISO 4217 conform currency code
    ->setEmail('') // customers email
    ->setFailureUrl('') // callback url on failed payment (user abort for example)
    ->setOkUrl('') // return url if the user approves. get-Parameter "transactionId" contains the transactionId
    ->setCustomerIPAddress('') // customers ipv4 address
    ->create(); // create the payment

$checkoutUrl = $g2a->getCheckoutUrl($payment->token); // get the checkout url from token
header("Location: ${checkoutUrl}"); // redirect the user

get information about a transaction

$payment = $g2a->createPayment()->getPayment("paymentId");


👤 Bennet Gallein

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