
A package for customized filtering on eloquent models

v1.6.1 2023-07-10 07:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-27 15:20:54 UTC


apply auto filters in Eloquent.
with this package, easily apply filters, sort and paginatation on Eloquent models and their relations.
with query string parameters.


composer require behamin/bfilters

Updating your Eloquent Models

Your models should use the HasFilter trait:

use BFilters\Traits;

class MyModel extends Eloquent
    use HasFilter;
    // define fields for full text serach as "searchable" or "fillable"
    protected $searchable = [ 

Create Filter Class

php artisan make:filter {name}

for example: 
php artisan make:filter UserFilter

In Created Filter Class

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserFilter extends Filter
    public function __construct(Request $request)
        $this->relations = [
            //actual name of relation defined in original model
            'relationName1' => [ 
                'searchName1' => 'Original column1 Name in Relation table',
                'searchName2' => 'Original column2 Name in Relation table',
                'searchName3' => 'Original column3 Name in Relation table',

                //if searchName and original column name is same
                'Original column4 Name in Relation table'
            'posts' => [
                // in this case when you set posted_at as your filter the filter will applied on 'created_at' field of original table
                'posted_at' => 'created_at',
        // you set this variabe if you want to have sum of your entries based of a specific field (f.e id here)
        $this->sumField = 'id';
        // define valid eager loading relationships to protect loading unwanted data
        $this->validWiths = ['comments', 'tags'];


In controllers

public function index(YourModelFilter $filters): Response
    [$entries, $count, $sum] = YourModel::filter($filters);

In Request

                { "field": "created_at", "dir": "asc" },
                { "field": "first_name", "dir": "desc" }
         "page":{ "limit": 10, "offset": 0 },
                    //(first_name LIKE '%alireza%' or last_name = '%bahram%') and (mobile LIKE '%9891%')
                       //use "or" for fields in same array & use "and" for fields in different array
                       {"field": "first_name", "op": "like", "value":  "alireza"},
                       {"field": "last_name", "op": "=", "value":  "bahram"}
                        {"field": "mobile", "op": "like", "value": "9891"}
                        //full search : search a string in fields you set in its model "searchable" or "fillable" arrays
                        {"value" : "al"}

Query String Samples:

pagination per_page=10 page=0 :

?filter={"page":{"limit": 10,"offset": 0}}

pagination per_page=20 and page=0 (sort_by id desc) :


like before field comment like aaaaaaaaa :
