
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the beganovich/snappdf package instead.

Generate PDFs using headless Chromium

dev-master 2020-12-15 10:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-12-28 13:19:51 UTC


This is a simple wrapper that lets you convert webpages or HTML into the PDF file. Early preview.

Documentation for library is practically, non-existing, at the moment. Here's quick example how it works:

$chromiumPdf = new \Beganovich\ChromiumPdf\ChromiumPdf();

    ->setHtml('<h1>Hello world!</h1>')

In case you want to convert web page into the PDF, you can use setUrl() instead of setHtml():

$chromiumPdf = new \Beganovich\ChromiumPdf\ChromiumPdf();



  • PHP ^7.3|^7.4|^8.0
  • exec()
  • Functional Google Chrome and/or Chromium.
  • Linux or macOS

Windows isn't supported at the moment. In theory, it should work on WSL2, but it wasn't tested. Stable release should include Windows support as well.


Composer is required way of installing library:

composer require beganovich/chromium-pdf

Comparison to Browsershot:

In case you need much more complex software to perform operations with headless browser go for Spatie's Browsershot. It's fantastic package. Purpose of ChromiumPdf is to be really minimal & only let you make PDFs. Nothing beyond that.

Also, difference between ChromiumPdf and Browsershot - ChromiumPdf doesn't need Node to work.



The MIT License (MIT).