Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Provide a Lap type for Symfony forms
203 4
Provide access to Mailchimp API v3
48 1
Simple bundle for Paypal integration
26 132 22
Simple phone verification for Symfony
29 6
Provide Google Recaptcha2 form type
360 911 56
Managament of simple pages
322 773 11
Adapt this file with your actual project content
119 7
Provide tags for Doctrine entities in Symfony
152 443 51
A test library for Symfony framework
25 284 17
PHP library for v3 of the MailChimp API
51 0
1 687 0
An implementation of bower in PHP
101 012 474
A Symfony bundle to use in-memory repositories
80 6
Simple user provider for Symfony
13 175 19
Password reset for BeelabUserBundle
4 777 4