bee-b / laravel-phpbb-bridge
Authentication module for Laravel 5.4 and phpBB 3.2
- php: >=5.4.0
- illuminate/support: 8.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:07 UTC
For phpBB < 3.2 see CallMeNP/lara-auth-bridge Offers a simple API for the included custom phpBB authentication module for phpBB(3.0, 3.1) and Laravel 5.
run composer
composer require tohtamysh/laravel-phpbb-bridge
add service provider
Register the Service Provider by adding it to your project's providers array in app.php
'providers' => array( Tohtamysh\LaravelPhpbbBridge\LaravelPhpbbBridgeServiceProvider::class, );
publish config file
artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tohtamysh\LaravelPhpbbBridge\LaravelPhpbbBridgeServiceProvider"
edit config
Change configs config/laravel-phpbb-bridge.php
// Create a secret app key in 'appkey' => 'yoursecretapikey' // Update the column names used for the Laravel Auth driver 'username_column' => 'user_login', 'password_column' => 'user_password' // Set true if you use multiAuth, false if default Laravel Auth 'client_auth' => false
exclude URIs from CSRF protection
In file app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php add
protected $except = [ 'auth-bridge/*', ];
More info how to exclude uris on laravel site
phpBB 3.2
copy files
Copy all files in the phpBB32 directory to your phpBB install folder
edit config
Edit the file located at {PHPBB-ROOT}/ext/laravel/bridgebb/auth/provider/bridgebb.php
define('LARAVEL_URL', ''); //your laravel application's url define('BRIDGEBB_API_KEY', "yoursecretapikey"); //the same key you created earlier define ('LARAVEL_CUSTOM_USER_DATA', serialize ([ 'email' => 'user_email', 'dob' => 'user_birthday', ])); // Update the columns you want to come from Laravel user to phpBB user
Login to the phpBB admin panel enable bridgebb extension and after set bridgebb as the authentication module