dev-master 2021-04-03 20:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:41:58 UTC


Installing pkg

composer require beatstar/pkg

Enter the pkg installation command into terminal/cmd/bash.


php artisan pkg:install
Install configuration of pkg.

php artisan pkg:key
Generate key for encrypt and JWT signer.

php artisan pkg:route
Writing routes of pkg in your project.
Note the current routes will be overwritten from the /routes/web.php file.
It is recommended that you backup routes if they exist.

php artisan pkg:route-jwt
Writing routes of pkg in your project.
Note the current routes will be overwritten from the /routes/web.php file.
It is recommended that you backup routes if they exist.
This command adds a JWT token validation to the laravel sessions.

php artisan pkg:example
Displays sample files from the use of pkg.
The files have been copied to /resources/example/

php artisan pkg:controller {name : The controller name}
Controller based on pkg configuration.
Note the controller only receives the name parameter.

php artisan pkg:controller-ajax {name : The controller name}
Controller based on ajax pkg configuration.
Note the controller only receives the name parameter.