
A package for Laravel for save multiple contact

0.2.0 2020-04-04 06:26 UTC


Build Status


composer require beanbean/contact


This package support for single or multiple contact for an object.

Example: Your user can have a main contact, and other contact for billing, and other contact for shipping, and other for secondary contact, ...

Integrate with your code

  1. Add trait Contactable in your model
// class User
use \Bean\Contact\Traits\Contactable;
  1. Save a contact which update or create new contact
$user->saveContact($name = 'shipping', $contact = [
    'first_name' => 'any',
    'last_name'  => 'any',
    'address'    => 'any',
    'address_2'  => 'any',
    'city'       => 'any',
    'state'      => 'any',
    'postcode'    => 'any',
    'country'    => 'any',
    'phone'      => 'any',
    'fax'        => 'any',
    'email'      => 'any',
  1. Get contact Has some relationship to populate contact
$user->contacts // return all contacts of user by hasMany relationship
$user->contact($name = 'shipping')->first() // return a single shipping contact of user
$user->contact_shipping // return a shipping contact of user by magic method
  1. json api Register the resource provider into your api config file
    'providers' => [
get contact: GET contacts?filter[object_id]=1&filter[object_type]=User&filter[name]=shipping
see more

** Publish migration if you need change somethings

php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Bean\Contact\ServiceProvider"


PR are welcome. Please open an issue first and submit PR with a good commit message. Thanks
