
A PHP package for sending sms over the bbn sms gateway

dev-master 2021-09-01 07:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:20:00 UTC


BBN SMS API Client is a simple library that powers your app to send sms notifications at transaction time. The setup is so simple it shouldn't take more than two(2) minutes to get up and running.


  1. Create a BBN SMS Account at (Note: this will redirect to
  2. Login to and register your Sender Names for Approval. (This is a regulatory step. Sender name approval may take 24 - 48 hours.) While you await the approval, let's proceed with the setup.


Before we begin, make sure you have downloaded and installed composer for your project. See guide on how to install composer.

1. Install Package

You can add the bbnsms api client into your project by adding

"bbnsms/sms-api-client": "dev-master"

to your dependencies (the require attribute) of your composer.json file followed by running

composer install

on your terminal. Or you could simply run

composer require bbnsms/sms-api-client

on your terminal. This will install bbnsms-api-client and all it's dependencies into your vendor directory.

2. Setup Package

Create a .bbnsms.json file in your app root directory. Add your BBN SMS login credentials (generated during pre-requisite step one) to the file as follows

    "access": {
        "credentials": {
            "username": "",
            "password": "aWe$0mePas5word"

And that's all the setup! Surprised? Let's test the package.

Test the Library

Since we are working with composer, I am trusting somewhere in your project you have already autoloaded classes. BBN SMS API Client will autoload if you have done something like this at least in your entry script.

require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";

*** If you are using a framework, that would have already been done for you.

At the top of your script or class file import Bbnsms\SMSClient and create an instance of the SMSClient as as appropriate

use Bbnsms\SMSClient;

$smsclient = new SMSClient();

Test your login credentials

printf("Valid Credentials: %s", $smsclient->testCredentials());

Check your Balance

printf("Balance: %.2f", $smsclient->getBalance());

Send SMS to a Single Contact

To send message call the send method of the sms client as follows:

SMSClient->send(string message, string senderName, array recipients, bool flash=false): string


Send Inbox SMS

printf("Send Response: %s", $smsclient->send("Sample Message", "APPROVED_SENDER_NAME", ["234818xxxxxxx"]));

Send Flash SMS

printf("Send Response: %s", $smsclient->send("Sample Message", "APPROVED_SENDER_NAME", ["234818xxxxxxx"], true));

Send SMS to a Multiple Contacts

printf("Send Response: %s", $smsclient->send("Hello", "APPROVED_SENDER_NAME", ["234818xxxxxxx","234909xxxxxxx"]));

Scheduling Message

Scheduled message will require two additional parameters: broadcastTime and scheduleName

SMSClient->schedule(int broadcastTime, string scheduleName, string message, string senderName, array recipients, bool flash=false): string

broadcastTime will be a UNIX_TIMESTAMP value. Kind of timestamp you generate by simply calling php time().


Schedule Inbox SMS

// printf("Scheduler Response: %s", $smsclient->schedule(time() + 60, "SchedTstr", "Hello", "APPROVED_SENDER_NAME", ["234818xxxxxxx"]));

Schedule Flash SMS

// printf("Scheduler Response: %s", $smsclient->schedule(time() + 60, "SchedTstr", "Hello", "APPROVED_SENDER_NAME", ["234818xxxxxxx"], true));

A successfully sent message will return 1801 as response. See full list of response codes and their meanings in the API Response section below.

API Responses

Response Code Definition
1800 Request timeout
1801 Message successfully sent
1802 Invalid username
1803 Incorrect password
1804 Insufficient credit
1805 Invalid url submission
1806 Invalid mobile
1807 Invalid sender id
1808 Message too long
1809 Empty Message
1901 Schedule was successfully saved
1902 Scheduled broadcast time cannot be earlier than current time
1903 Invalid broadcast time
1904 Schedule name is too long. Maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters allowed
1905 Invalid value for notify me. 0 or 1 expected
1906 Incorrect Schedule Name. Schedule name may contain special character
2001 App ID does not exist
2002 Invalid App ID
2003 IP Lock Violation
3001 Recipient - Message ID mismatch. Number of recipients does not correlate with provided message ids

Important Note:

Sender Names

  1. APPROVED_SENDER_NAME are sender names you have registered on which has been confirmed approved
  2. Sender names are eleven (11) alphanumeric character string.
  3. Sender names must be the name, shortened name or acronymns of your business.


  1. Messages cannot be longer than 765 characters (5 pages)
  2. Pages are counted according to sms messaging standards as follows:
    1. A single page SMS will accept 160 characters
    2. The second page of sms only accomodates 146 characters
    3. Every other sms page accomodates 153 characters
  3. A flash message is a message that pops-up on the receiving device to be read instantly and may not save to the receiving mobile phone Inbox.

If you would like to customize your integration, kindly refer to our Integration Guide.