
Fast Mysql

0.0.4 2022-08-17 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 17:20:06 UTC


This lightweight database class is written with PHP and uses the MySQLi extension, it uses prepared statements to properly secure your queries, no need to worry about SQL injection attacks.

The MySQLi extension has built-in prepared statements that you can work with, this will prevent SQL injection and prevent your database from being exposed, some developers are confused on how to use these methods correctly so I've created this easy to use database class that'll do the work for you.

This database class is beginner-friendly and easy to implement, with the native MySQLi methods you need to write 3-7 lines of code to retrieve data from a database, with this class you can do it with just 1-2 lines of code, and is much easier to understand.


This project using composer.

$ composer require bauhu/db


Connect to MySQL database:


use db\db;
$db = new db($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);

Fetch a record from a database:

$account = $db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = ? AND password = ?', 'test', 'test')->fetchArray();
echo $account['name'];

Or you could do:

$account = $db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = ? AND password = ?', array('test', 'test'))->fetchArray();
echo $account['name'];

Fetch multiple records from a database:

$accounts = $db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts')->fetchAll();

foreach ($accounts as $account) {
	echo $account['name'] . '<br>';

You can specify a callback if you do not want the results being stored in an array (useful for large amounts of data):

$db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts')->fetchAll(function($account) {
    echo $account['name'];

If you need to break the loop you can add:

return 'break'; 

Get the number of rows:

$accounts = $db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts');
echo $accounts->numRows();


$numberRows = $db->query('SELECT * FROM accounts')->numRows();

Get the affected number of rows:

$insert = $db->query('INSERT INTO accounts (username,password,email,name) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', 'test', 'test', '', 'Test');
echo $insert->affectedRows();

Get the total number of queries:

echo $db->query_count;

Get the last insert ID:

echo $db->lastInsertID();

Close the database:



Credit to David Adams