
Basisbank Payment module for Magento 2.1.x, 2.2.x

2.2.5 2021-03-24 10:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-07-24 13:43:31 UTC


Basisbank Payment - Magento 2 installation guide.

1. Prerequisites

Before installing the Basisbank_Payment module you should setup a test environment as you will need to put the module in front-end which will certainly take a while for instalation, configuring and testing. If you directly roll out this solution to your production server you might experience issues that could affect your normal business.

In order the module to work you will need to enable the following cronjobs: (skip this if your magento main cronjobs are already enabled):

          • /usr/bin/php //www/bin/magento cron:run > /dev/null 2>&1
          • /usr/bin/php //www/update/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
          • /usr/bin/php //www/bin/magento setup:cron:run > /dev/null 2>&1

2 Installation (from zip file)

  1. Decompress the module on your desktop.
  2. Log in to your Magento store server as the Magento filesystem owner and navigate to the Magento Home directory.
  3. Create a directory <path_to_magento_store>/app/code/Basisbank/Payment/ and change directory to the new directory.
  4. Move the all module files to <path_to_magento_store>/app/code/Basisbank/Payment/.
  5. At this point, it is possible to install with either the: 5.1. Web Setup Wizard's Component Manager (only Magento 2.0.x versions, for 2.1.x use command line) 5.1.1. To install in the Web Setup Wizard. Open a browser and log in to the Magento
         admin section with administrative privileges.

    5.1.2. Navigate to 'System > Web Setup Wizard'. 5.1.3. Click 'Component Manager' scroll down and locate 'Basisbank_Payment'. Click enable on the actions. 5.1.4. Follow the on screen instructions ensuring to create backups.

5.2. Command line

 5.2.1. To enable the module on the command line change directory to the Magento
  Home directory. Ensure you are logged in as the Magento filesystem owner.
 5.2.2. Verify that 'Basisbank_Payment' is listed and shows as disabled: `php bin/magento module:status`.
 5.2.3. Enable the module with: `php bin/magento module:enable Basisbank_Payment`.
 5.2.4. Then we need to ensure the configuration tasks are run: `php bin/magento setup:upgrade`.
 5.2.5. After setup upgrade, run compile command: `php bin/magento setup:di:compile`.
 5.2.6. Finally on the command line to clear Magento's cache run: `php bin/magento cache:clean`.

Once this has been completed log in to the Magento Admin panel and proceed to Configuring the Module

3. Module configuration:

2.1. Login to Magento backend. 2.2. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales -> Payment Methods > Basisbank Payment. 2.3. Configurate all the fields and click "Save Config" button.

IMPORTANT: During initial installation of the Basisbank module, to show loan types in the field "What types of lanes should be used on the page?" you must enter "Company ID", "Retailer ID" and press "Save Config" button. Then the loan types will be shown at the field. You can select types and save it with "Save Config" button. IMPORTANT: You can get the Shared key from the Laanlet protal (see point 3.2.) IMPORTANT: Fields "PriceTag Stylesheet" - must start with html tag

4. Laanlet portal configuration:

3.1. Login to Laanlet portal. 3.2. To get Shared Key - Go to "Setup" -> "Webshop admin" section section. 3.3. Go to "Setup" -> "Webshop admin" section and enter Accept URL, Decline URL and Manual URL: Accept URL: https:///basisbank_payment/checkout/redirect/ Decline URL: https:///basisbank_payment/checkout/redirect/ Manual URL: https:///basisbank_payment/checkout/redirect/

IMPORTANT: replace with your domain name.