
Juniper Mist API wrapper for Laravel

0.1.0 2021-05-25 12:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 21:02:31 UTC


This is a wrapper to easily make API calls to Juniper Mist. Still basic and only some metrics for now, but big plans to expand this package in the future.


  • Juniper Mist API key
  • Juniper Mist Site ID
  • Juniper Mist Map ID


Install the package through composer

composer require basduchambre/juniper-mist-laravel

To publish the junipermist.php config file, run the following command. Publishing will also make an Alias JuniperMist, so you don't have to import.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Basduchambre\JuniperMist\JuniperMistServiceProvider"

The Mist data tables will be created upon running the migration command:

php artisan migrate

This will create two tables: mist_data to store the general metrics and mist_fetch_data to store temporary client data.

Make sure your .env has the following values filled


Additionally you can set the JUNIPER_MIST_BASE_URL. For now it is set to the default Juniper Mist api base url. If it changes in the future, you can easily set it in your .env.


To retreive data, create a custom route and Controller. An example is given below.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function mist()
        return JuniperMist::get();

Chaining methods

It is possible to chain different methods to alter the output like below:

return JuniperMist::metric('clients')

Live clients

The JuniperMist class retrieves the live client data for connected and unconnected clients. The possible methods to alter the output for this class are the following:

  • type - the type of live client you want to retrieve (clients/unconnected_clients). Default is clients.
  • ssid - a specific ssid name to filter the output by
  • siteId - the site ID of the location you want to retrieve data from.
  • mapId - the map ID of the location you want to retrieve data from.

Client insight metrics

The JuniperMistMetrics class retrieves the client insight metrics. The possible methods to alter the output for this class are the following:

  • metric - the type of metric you want to retrieve (loyalty/dwell/visit/zones). Default is loyalty.
  • start - The start time for the data you want to retrieve in a Unix timestamp.
  • end - The end time for the data you want to retrieve in a Unix timestamp.
  • interval - The intervals in which the data will be returned in seconds (86400/3600). Default is 86400.
  • siteId - the site ID of the location you want to retrieve data from.