
A PHP library for generating identicons.

1.1.2 2018-03-03 15:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 14:43:14 UTC


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This is a PHP library which generates identicons based on a given string. Currently only SVG format is supported as it offers the best combination of efficiency, quality, file size and ease of use.

For integration with a symfony application, there is BitverseIdenticonBundle


Install using composer:

$ composer require baruch4413/identicon


The code below, will create a rings-identicon from the string "hello world", and save it to helloworld.svg.


use Bitverse\Identicon\Identicon;
use Bitverse\Identicon\Color\Color;
use Bitverse\Identicon\Generator\RingsGenerator;
use Bitverse\Identicon\Preprocessor\MD5Preprocessor;

$generator = new RingsGenerator();

$identicon = new Identicon(new MD5Preprocessor(), $generator);

$icon = $identicon->getIcon('hello world');

file_put_contents('helloworld.svg', $icon);

Identicon object

Identicon is the main service that's responsible for providing the identicons based on a given string. In order to do that, it's required to pass a preprocessor and a generator into it's constructor.

You can then call the getIcon() function to create a new icon.


A preprocessor is an object that implements Bitverse\Identicon\Preprocessor\PreprocessorInterface.

The role of the preprocessor is to conduct any action on the string before it's passed to the generate() method of the generator. This includes hashing.

Currently, the library only includes MD5Preprocessor, which hashes the given string using MD5 algorithm.


Generator is responsible for actually generating the icon from the hash produced by the preprocessor.

Any object can be a generator as long as it implements Bitverse\Identicon\Generator\GeneratorInterface.

Currently the library provides two generators by default:

  • RingsGenerator produces identicons made out of a centerpiece and three rings of different lengths and rotation.

  • PixelsGenerator generates 5x5 pixels icons, similar to the ones used on github.


Here are some examples for 'helloworld':

  • MD5Preprocessor + RingsGenerator:

  • MD5Preprocessor + PixelsGenerator: