Simple web routing library for php, similar to express framework

dev-master 2021-12-30 12:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:55:49 UTC



Installation is done using the composer:

composer require bartoszmajczak/speedy:dev-master

Add ".htaccess" file in index.php directory or to apache configuration file "httpd.conf"

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

Basic examples

HTML response


require './vendor/autoload.php';

use bartoszmajczak\Speedy;

$speedy = new Speedy;

$speedy -> get('*', function($request, $response) {
  $response -> html('
    <p>Habemus papam</p>

JSON response


require './vendor/autoload.php';

use bartoszmajczak\Speedy;

$speedy = new Speedy;

$speedy -> get('*', function($request, $response) {
  $response -> json([
    'id' => 2137,
    'username' => 'jp2gmd'




require './vendor/autoload.php';

use bartoszmajczak\Speedy;

$speedy = new Speedy;

$speedy -> get('/users/{user}/books/{book}', function($request, $response): void {
  $user = $request -> parameters['user'];
  $book = $request -> parameters['book'];

  $response -> html("
    <h1>user ${user} and book ${book}</h1>



require './vendor/autoload.php';

use bartoszmajczak\Speedy;

$speedy = new Speedy;

$speedy -> get('/^\/users\/(?<user>\d+)\/books\/(?<book>\d+)\/?$/', function($request, $response): void {
  $user = $request -> parameters['user'];
  $book = $request -> parameters['book'];

  $response -> html("
    <h1>user ${user} and book ${book}</h1>

Extended examples

API server with JWT authentication


require './vendor/autoload.php';

use bartoszmajczak\Speedy;

$speedy = new Speedy;

// creating middleware function to protect api routes
$middleware = function($request, $response) : void {
  // ...

// creating route for login
$speedy -> post('/^\/auth\/login$/', function($request, $response) : void {
  // accesing request body
  $body = $request -> body;

  // validate request body fields
  $username = isset($body['username']) ? $body['username'] : null;
  $password = isset($body['password']) ? $body['password'] : null;

  if ($username && $password) {
    // check if $user exist in database
    $user = [
      'id' => 36,
      'username' => 'dyatlov'

    if ($user) {
      // generate $access_token (jwt) and $refresh_token
      $access_token = '';
      $refresh_token = 'somerandomroentgenpower';

      // send json response
      $response -> json([
        'access_token' => $access_token,
        'refresh_token' => $refresh_token
      ]); // status code '200' is default, not need to provide

    // send json response
    $response -> json([
      'message' => 'not great, not terrible'
    ], 401); // custom status code

  // send json response
  $response -> json([
    'message' => 'not great, not terrible'
  ], 401); // custom status code

// creating refresh route to reassign access and refresh token
$speedy -> post('/^\/auth\/refresh$/', function($request, $response) : void {
  // accesing request body
  $body = $request -> body;

  // validate request body field
  $refresh_token = isset($body['refresh_token']) ? $body['refresh_token'] : null;

  if ($refresh_token) {
    // check if $refresh_token is valid in database
    $valid = true;

    if ($valid) {
      // blacklist this $refresh_token to prevent another refresh

      // generate $access_token (jwt) and $refresh_token
      $access_token = '';
      $refresh_token = '';

      // send json response
      $response -> json([
        'access_token' => $access_token,
        'refresh_token' => $refresh_token
      ]); // status code '200' is default, not need to provide

    // send json response
    $response -> json([
      'message' => ''
    ], 401); // custom status code

  // send json response
  $response -> json([
    'message' => ''
  ], 401); // custom status code

// creating protected api route
$speedy -> get('/^\/api\/users\/(?<user_id>\d+)\/articles\/(?<article_id>\d+)$/', $middleware, function($request, $response) : void {
  // accesing route parameters
  $parameters = $request -> parameters;

  // saving in cool named variables $parameters value
  $user_id = isset($parameters['user_id']) ? $parameters['user_id'] : null;
  $article_id = isset($parameters['article_id']) ? $parameters['article_id'] : null;

  // select user article from database based on $user_id and $article_id
  $article = [
    'title' => ''

  if ($article) {
    // send json response
    $response -> json($article); // status code '200' is default, not need to provide

  // send json response
  $response -> json(null); // status code '200' is default, not need to provide